Its a wonderful day to recognize the peace and love within. - TopicsExpress


Its a wonderful day to recognize the peace and love within. Concentrating on wonderful happy thoughts place you in a better place. Now start having wonderful thoughts about everyone in your life. Believe it or not there are people you are saying to yourself no way will I be at peace with what so and so did to me. Let it go.... If you have that thought the truth is you need to be at peace within yourself first. Removing all negative thoughts allowing yourself to connect to source energy. Replacing one thought at a time is planting beautiful vibrant blooming flowers. Beware when you think harsh thoughts of one, you reap the rewards of a nasty day. Blaming everyone else or making an excuse its your upbringing, its your situation, its because Im sick, its because ..... Stop with excuses its because You arent dealing with who you truly are. Take ownership of your faults and change your thinking and thoughts. You have the choice to feel exactly how you feel its yours to own. Your happiness and harmony isnt inflicted by anothers influence. You get to influence the making of who you are today. No one is capable of making you upset without your consent. Conversations With LeeAnn 󾬘󾬑󾬘
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 12:22:52 +0000

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