Its been a great day for feelin OK as the optimistic Sagittarius - TopicsExpress


Its been a great day for feelin OK as the optimistic Sagittarius Moon boosted our spirits and helped us to see the bright side with a laugh and grin. This just happened to coincide with a grand water trine between the Sun, healing Chiron and stable Saturn. Suddenly fears and drudgery give way to real possibilities as our self confidence kicks in and we begin to tackle our goals. Later we get some inspired innovation as the Sag Moon connects with Uranus bringing fun with friends and some good news on the home front Tomorrow we think big and dream bigger as the Moon and Jupiter form a mutual reception. Its a great day for out of town guests, foreign cuisine, camping or just fantasying about a vacation home on Waikiki. If you have family far away, call em up. Theyre itchin to hear from you. Youve heard of casual Friday? Well the Sagittarius Moon gives the green light for Casual Thursday so kick off your shoes, let your hair down and philosophize until 8:24 pm Pacific when the Moon moves into more formal Capricorn. Here is Sagittarius Jim Morrison.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 15:58:10 +0000

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