Its been a really rough week and I finally have the strength to - TopicsExpress


Its been a really rough week and I finally have the strength to type this. Im still getting used to the fact that Ill never be able to hold you, kiss you or see you again in this life. Im sorry for the times that I wasnt the best to you and that we couldnt have anymore time together, but Im glad that I did my best to make sure your life was filled with love and that your final weeks with us were your most comfortable. Ill miss you waking me up early in the morning by scratching on my bedroom window until I woke up to let you in and feed you. You had so many comfy and funny spots to hide and sleep in all over the house, you were surrounded by a family and friends who loved you wholeheartedly and you brought all of us so much love and happiness. I didnt know why, but for your whole last month of life I had the never-ending thought in my head that I should treat you, as well as the dog Gatsby and the people in my life in general, as if these were your last moments here with us. To be unending and relentless in my love and compassion for you to make sure you knew you were loved and could have the best life I could possibly give you. You got extra people food (especially fish and carne asada bits), you got lots of extra love and one-on-one time and you even got to sleep in my bed with me a few nights which you didnt always get to do. I didnt even get upset when you would pee or poop inside, scratch my things or decide to sit on my laptop while im trying to listen to audios on how to grow my business to remind me that it was really you who mattered most. I remember one thing you scratched in particular, my brand new Organo Gold suitcase i had gotten when i first started my business 3 months ago. Little did i know that when you scratched it up, you were leaving me a reminder so you could always be with me on my journey no matter where i am in the world. I already miss you and your passing has brought with it a lot of grief, but with it also came a very important lesson. So what did I learn from all of this? An age-old saying that isnt paid attention to as much as it should be. Always appreciate the ones you love, pets and people alike, as if this was their final day on Earth. Please dont be angry when a pet misbehaves or uses the bathroom inside, or get angry or frustrated with people you know when they do something to you or make a mistake that frustrates you. Love everyone unconditionally, mistakes and all, because you never know when the last time youll see someone is. Im grateful to God for giving me a sign this would happen and Im glad I always made sure my buddy Ninja knew he was loved and had a good life here I hope you found everything you were looking for here in your time with me and momma, we love you so much ninj-puff. Thank you for all of the memories, for leaving me one last gift, and for blessing our lives with your love. R.I.P. Ninja my sweet angel, until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 04:06:42 +0000

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