Its been awhile since we had a heart to heart about what our - TopicsExpress


Its been awhile since we had a heart to heart about what our current situation is prophetically. If youre like me, you want to know where we are on Gods timeline!! Lets talk about that for a bit. Im an analyst, not a prophet or a psychic, or a preacher. Im a witness who shares what I study with anyone who wants to listen. I dont make any claims of any mystic knowledge by hocus pocus or magic wands or fairy dust. I deal in, and evidence. Im not religious. I love Jesus, and I believe my bible. Its that simple. Everything I share with you here, I can prove. If you cant prove something, it isnt real. Thats just how I see it. I dont make predictions. I can present you with scriptural possibilities that reflect the results of my research. I could be wrong about my interpretation of events.....its possible, so dont believe anything you cant see the proof of in the Word yourself...... . Having prefaced my post tonight with the usual disclaimer......Ill tell you what the scriptural possibilities are that are right in front of us. From tomorrow (August 10 sundown in Israel) until Sunset August 11, the Jewish feast of Tu B Av (aka the 15th of AV) arrives. Ive been studying up on Tu B Av and its a REAL COOL POSSIBILITY!!! Check this out!! FROM WIKIPEDIA......... Tu BAv (Hebrew: טו באב, the fifteenth of the month Av) is a minor Jewish holiday. In modern-day Israel, it is celebrated as a holiday of love (Hebrew: חג האהבה, Hag HaAhava), similar to Valentines Day.[1] It has been said to be a great day for weddings. The daughters of Israel would borrow a dress and dance in the vineyards. The men who wanted to find a bride would come there to find one. Well, we ARE being called to a wedding, arent we?? (which causes the day to qualify) Its possible......... This is not a no work feast, (which would cause it to qualify) and it also marks the beginning of the grape harvest (which causes the day to qualify). Thats also prophetically significant because WE are the grapes. This is also from WIKIPEDIA...... While the Jews wandered in the desert for forty years, female orphans without brothers could only marry within their tribe, to prevent their fathers inherited land in the Land of Israel from passing on to other tribes. On the fifteenth of Av of the fortieth year, this ban was lifted. (this is where females become equal heirs with males before the King) That same year, the last of the generation of the sin of the spies, which had been forbidden to enter the Promised Land, found that they were not destined to die. For forty years, every Tisha Bav night, the Jews made graves for themselves in which they slept on Tisha BAv; every year a proportion of them died. In the 40th year, the fifteen thousand who had remained from the first generation went to sleep in the graves and woke up the next day to their surprise. Thinking they made a mistake with the date, they did this until they reached Tu BAv. Only then did they know they were allowed to live. Sounds like living people coming out of their graves to me..... The nights, traditionally the ideal time for Torah study, are lengthened again after the summer solstice, permitting more study. (the day signals time to study....and thats going to be the effect of the rapture. More people are going to seek God than you can imagine!!!) The Roman occupiers permitted burial of the victims of the massacre at Bethar. Miraculously, the bodies had not decomposed, despite exposure to the elements for over a year. The dead didnt decompose...........corruption putting on incorruption?? The Talmud says Tu B Av is the greatest festival of the year. (Heck Yeah!!! The Return of the King SHOULD come on the greatest festival of the year!!!) It is the festival of the future redemption!!! (The day He comes for us?) A day whose essence is unknowable to our unredeemed selves. (Nobody knows the day or the hour of this particular festival because it comes on the full moon). The day is known for great DESCENT for the purpose of great ASCENT. (Descent into sin, Ascent into the clouds?) The greater the descent, the greater the following ascent. It is the MAIN Jewish Holiday of JOY - Yom Kippur is a close second. This one has a good dozen indicators that suggest the possibility of the Kings return!!!!! This is an even better match than the 9th of Av!! Get this..........The day is said to be a perversion of Judaism (Christianity was what they called that perversion.) The day signifies LOVE AND REBIRTH........(.HIS love for us and the dead rising from the graves??) The Mishna doesnt say why the day is designated.........its a MYSTERY..... It is called the MOST MYSTERIOUS DAY ON THE JEWISH CALENDAR. Thats interesting, isnt it?? The raptures are known in the scriptures as the mystery of God. SO HERE IS OUR NEXT POSSIBILITY....... TOMORROW........BUT THE ENTIRE MONTH OF AV IS HIGH ALERT BECAUSE OF KADURIS PROPHECY. Think about it......TWO Chief Rabbis of Israel in two different centuries giving prophecies that have now come to pass that are supposed to indicate that the messiahs return is THIS YEAR, and VERY possibly in this month of AV that extends from July 28 through August 27 in 2014. This is a VERY high alert time, so this possibility is DEFINITELY worth watching and praying about...... THIS JUST MIGHT BE IT...... If its not - dont freak out!! HE IS COMING!!! We are going to be looking closely at EVERY SINGLE possibility one by one until He DOES come if this isnt it....... We can see that the world is coming apart at the seams very fast now. Weve got a 78 year old antichrist who feels the need for the world to think his living friend (Tony Palmer) is dead (probably so he can fake raising him). Hes brought all the worlds religions under one umbrella with him at the top. Hes stuck his marshmallow nose in the peace process. All the worlds leaders bow before him. The whole world turning against Israel, two Chief Rabbis of Israel three centuries apart prophesying the SAME YEAR for the return of the messiah - THIS YEAR. Thats NOT something we can ignore!!! The TETRAD of four full blood red moons showed up April 15th of this year. Thats another witness. THEN.....we discovered a TRIAD of blood moons that straddle the trib midpoint, and then a single blood moon in May 2021 that will signify the generation AND the Trib are wrapping up. Thats in addition to the loads of evidence Ive come up with that also points to THIS YEAR for the Return of the King..... I really do think this could be it!!! In all fairness, I always think every possibility could be the one......but IT COULD HAPPEN!!! We are definitely in the zone for the RETURN OF THE KING!!!!! Hang in there.......were on the ONE YARD LINE.....
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 04:16:39 +0000

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