Its bollocks like this that makes me want to set up a radical free - TopicsExpress


Its bollocks like this that makes me want to set up a radical free thinking broadcast quality news/documentary media channel on Social Media. Think Jeremy Paxman meets Private Eye. Michael Moore meets Huffington Post. If I can reach 3 billion people, I wont be showing them Koreans singing and dancing! As a retired Business Man, Television Cameraman, qualified Social Worker/Probation Officer, International Aid Worker, Dementia Carer and son of a poor, tireless and committed local Labour politician (the late great Alderman Roger Smith - still miss you Dad after 45 years) , I believe I have appropriate skills and lots to say! Having come from working class roots in Preston, Lancashire, lived in Scotland (25 years), Brighton, London, Australia, Beverly Hills and Tanzania, filmed around the world and seen many wonders and wonderful people but also witnessed many horrors (Rwandan genocide, Ethiopian famine, Angolan civil war etc) I have had a good look at the world and want to use my skills and whats left of my life to help make it better! When I was a lad, a spotty, idealistic teenager, my Guidance teacher at Preston Grammar School told me Smith, youll never change the world - the last person who tried ended up on a cross. What a prat. And so terribly misinformed. Many individuals have changed the world, even if its only one persons world. But his cynicism inspired me to prove him wrong and Ive been trying ever since. Now I want to move up a gear. But I need support and encouragement from all sorts of people from all round the world. Wanna help? Have a great day :-)
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 07:34:36 +0000

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