Its funny... Everyone says never forget on 9/11. And we all THINK - TopicsExpress


Its funny... Everyone says never forget on 9/11. And we all THINK we remember the day clearly. I thought I did. But nothing really brings back the horror and raw emotion like seeing the actual footage all over again. The media has been very good at sterilizing the footage so no one is afraid, offended or upset. They stopped showing the worst parts and mostly show the collisions and the buildings falling. They attempt to remove or at least lessen the human side of that fateful day. But as I sat here watching this video with unexpected tears rolling down my cheeks and a huge knot in my stomach, I cant help but wonder: Do you all REALLY remember how bad this day was? Or is it just the common theme on FB today? Maybe its just me. Maybe my memory isnt as good as I thought it was. I THOUGHT I was angry and upset any time the topic came up. I THOUGHT I remembered seeing the crashes and explosions. I THOUGHT I remembered the seeing the sheer terror on peoples faces as they ran from the collapsing buildings. I THOUGHT I remembered the trains pulling in and unloading local residents. Most of whom were covered in ashes and soot... Some were bleeding. Some were limping. Many were crying. Many just looked numb... Like they had no control over their bodies. They were in shock and just on auto-pilot. Ill bet most dont even remember anything past getting on the train! I really thought I remembered how awful that day was. But, at least for me, my mind dulled some of those images. Probably a coping mechanism to help me not go crazy. But its not until I actually SEE the horror again... until I SEE these poor people jumping 100 stories to their deaths because it was better than burning to death... Only then is the full rage and sorrow brought back to mind. I dont WANT to forget. But I think we need to see this footage every so often to really, truly and honestly remember the depth of despair and tragedy that hit us that day.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 17:34:48 +0000

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