Its funny you know. A person with the capability of language can - TopicsExpress


Its funny you know. A person with the capability of language can nowdays contact any other creature on the planet (with the right tools). That poets are creatures and that poets have the ability of doing such things is no small thing. I have recently engaged in a battle....the battle for the mind and soul which is not a battle won by swords and bullets but one that involves logic and rhetorical analysis. There is a famous poet named Philip Nikolayev.....who has decided he is a poet, and one with the ability to use logic in order to establish full support and complicity amongst his followers for Zionist war crimes against the Palestinian people. He has engaged himself in a premise that is faulty to begin with and whenever his logic fails (because it does always fail...truth is irrestitible, his premises are not and are actually quite illogical), he starts a new topic, makes more pleas to sympathy and eliminates counterpoints from the discussion by blocking those who enter the debate to actually to what he asks for to begin with, to debate. He has employed the use of exposing his own biases falsely leading others to join a team of abusers all the while exiling the victims to the sidelines....victims like the soon to be critic Allyssa Wolf. And now of course, he has blocked me. Well that is no surprise. As a Shia, I know how that plays out. Not my first rodeo by any stretch. I have engaged his type many times before and always at some risk to my own feelings if there are such things where I come from on this....where truth resides. Truth does not involve feelings and it certainly does not involve the deployment of polarizations that are ill informed to begin with...about religion which is to say that religion and Islam are not synonymous. The word religion is rooted in the notion of loyalty to something and as it is used in the English language and in non muslim circles (where people like myself avoid going so as not to cause ourselves the heartache we know will inevitably occur on one or both sides)...the word religion is used to connote a loyalty to man made religious entities like churches, societies and even atheistically inclined peoples who are loosely affiliated under a very recognizable banner. In my case I noted that his followers became mute when I would give them logical explanations for such things as logic itself, empathy and two days ago....Mr. Nikolayev wandered into the realm of the notion of the Chosen People where this conflict actually arises and arises with a certainty that is predictable, normal and logical. He didnt like my presence there because obviously, he is not a rhetorician...he is merely a poet involved in the fantasies and using an imagination not rightly guided. He might be advised that the Quran itself dedicates an entire Sura (chapter) to POETS. Their incredible uselessness to society when they are ill informed and their irresistible influence when they are. Oh well. What do I know. I am merely a follower of the Chosen People. All the way down to the prophet Mohamed, SA and his Ahl Bayt, pbut. What would a Russian poet know about that! Especially one who is informed by the notorious bard who evidenced himself like the ghost of Christmas past to interject, what have I got to do with this! Ah indeed....Yellowknife must have a radar tower and each creature can contact each creature at will anymore and within the blink of an eye.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:36:40 +0000

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