Its hard for me to really get angry or upset at those who often - TopicsExpress


Its hard for me to really get angry or upset at those who often dont understand. This lack of understanding is usually from lack of knowledge and truth. Lies and deliberate omission of truth that planted seeds of ignorance. Non Natives have been been taught two things. One, that our ancestors did not really suffer. That they were a product of their own weaknesses and that were it not for the church and government coming and rescuing them from their heathen and savage ways, our people would have eventually self destructed. Two, that throughout the history of the Amerikas, our people were nothing more than savages who killed and tortured anyone non Indian, anyone who trespassed on their land and that our ancestors were in fact not the victims but the perpetrators. Between the lies written by historians and the lack of acknowledgment of the TRUTH by both government and church, this world of make believe is VERY different from the reality that our people have had to live with. One of the harshest and cruelest things done to our people was the stealing and kidnapping of the children. For myself, writing about the suffering of the children and what they and their families endured at the hands of government and church, is the hardest for me to write about. There is so much pain and sadness that its hard to determine which is stronger, the anger or the pain. Pain for the suffering they endured. Pain for being stolen from their families and never returned. Pain for promises of families reunited with their young ones that were never kept. Pain for the little ones that are still buried in unmarked graves waiting to be found. Anger that the children suffered more than anyone human being ever should. Their only crime being that they were born Indian. Anger that lies upon lies were told all for a single purpose and that was to kill the Indian to save the man. Anger because even today the church and government acknowledge nothing and what little they do admit is condoned by nothing but lies!! There is so much i, we, know about that remains untold. Things that our people want acknowledged. In fact theres so much that its hard to know where to begin. But personally, for me, it begins with the children. Everything else to me simply isnt as important as a life taken. Especially the life of a child. Both here and in Canada there are unmarked graves yet to be found. Families that are still searching for the child that was taken and never returned. Most died alone. It does NOT matter who is most responsible, the government or the church. What does matter is that the TRUTH be told. That people stop coveting what theyve been taught to believe. Close off your minds and forget the half truths and fabricated stories youve come to believe and accept. Today I dedicate my page to the true victims of the battles fought between Native Americans and the Church and government. The children. May they be given a voice.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 17:57:39 +0000

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