Its normal for me to try and support what law enforcement does. I - TopicsExpress


Its normal for me to try and support what law enforcement does. I know they have a difficult job. But today I was harrassed at the normal police auction I go to every Thursday for the past 8 years, by a Marion county sheriff that was working security at the auction. I tried to be pleasant with him both times he felt it necessary to tell me what he thought I was doing wrong. Well as I was leaving he followed me out of the auction and pulled me over for not using my turn signal. I was still on the tow lots property. First words out of my mouth, im armed. He says get out of the car and put your hands on the roof. I asked him if I was being arrested, he said no. I said am I being detained, he said no. I asked if I could leave he said no. He said he pulled me over because I didnt use my turn signal and because my plate didnt match the car. The plate was mine not expired and ive owned the car for less then 30 days. All legal. I told him he was grinding an ax over what happened in the auction. He claimed the incidents were seperate. I asked for him to call his superior officer because he was not on duty and we were on private property. Big mistske. A sergeant shows up and pulls me out of the car and immediately cuffs me. They impound my car. Write me a ticket for no registration. Trespass me from the auction. Then he says you are handcuffed for your safety and Im not violating your civil rights. Finally hr uncuffs me, gives me my gun back, tells me to call for a ride. I pull my phone out, he says not here you are trespassing. He says walk out to Raymond street and make your call. Should I file a complaint against him? The tow company waived my tow fee and said that I was allowed to future auctions and that they were embarrassed by the security officers behavior on their property. Thsts the short version of the story. Im not racist. I do have a confederate flag on the front of my car.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 04:04:57 +0000

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