It’s a Thursday and we must admit that this week is almost gone - TopicsExpress


It’s a Thursday and we must admit that this week is almost gone and the question here is; are achieving your targets? Today’s focus is on the issue of some of the leaders who want to have the 2016 presidential elections pushed/ extended to 2020s. To begin with, I would love to give an example of a world hero the late Nelson Mandela who led South Africa for a short period of time and gave chance to others to lead too (quote me right i.e. he was a leader not a ruler). The questions here are; would Mandela win people’s hearts around the globe if he had stayed in power for a long period of time? Don’t you think that at the time he stepped down, there were millions of people that still wanted him to stay? Don’t you think that too much of anything including retaining political seats for a long time is always bad? At times people think that many presidents especially those that have retained power for a long time for example African leaders fear to step down because of the fear of that which would happen to them. At the same time, all leaders out there need to know that it is better to lead for a short term do their best and then step down and give others chance to also come through and continue with the political work. That saves a lot because however much those that you’ve been leading blame you, they will still appreciate the fact that you stepped down. Having said all that, you will allow me to say that it’s a shame to see how certain MPs in the Ugandan parliament are planning to discuss the issue of having the 2016 presidential elections pushed. Now if you are reading this, I am sure you are wondering who could be fueling this or behind it. Should we think that this could happen as a result of not having enough money to run the elections in 2016? Should we think that this will be as a result of Ugandan losing some donor funding after it passed the Anti-gay bill into law? Should we be convinced that by 2016, Uganda by then shall have no potential candidates hence remaining with the current president? I think it’s high time all MPs in Uganda went for a retreat somewhere to clear their minds and begin thinking in a fresh way for their constituencies and the country at large because the moment a certain group of them begin raising issues like pushing/ extending the 2016 elections or even passing a law that promotes patriotism in Uganda, then you know that the prolific mind is not being put to use. If I was the president of Uganda, I would take a leave, go to my home in Rwakitura, and spend a month there thinking about all the great things that I have done for my nation and for other nations. At the same time, I would think about all the mistakes that I have made and the bad acts that I have done throughout my entire political career i.e. those that are known and those that are kept as secret to me and to those that are close to me. After that period of internal reflection, I would come out, call for the biggest press conference that includes both National and International Media and apologize to all those that I have hurt in the past or wronged and ask for their forgiveness. I would also reveal some of the negative acts that I have done give reasons as to why I committed them and ask for forgiveness. I would also go ahead declare that I am stepping down to give others chance to lead this nation amicably and promise to remain supportive to whoever becomes the next president. I believe that by doing so, I would have saved the lives of many, calmed many people’s hearts, avoided much instability and many would be happy about such a decision. Allow this to end here for today by saying; if you are a leader out there whether a village one, in your home, at school or any kind of institution or organization, always and always utilize the shortest period of time to do something for your people and pass on the office, leadership to others. That way, the world shall remain a better space for everyone. Breaking truth from Uganda, the East of Africa; if you hold a Ugandan passport, you will soon get a new one that matches the International standards so for those of you that didn’t follow the right procedure when you were acquiring your passports, it’s bad news I guess as this could be done with an aim of convicting people like you. I remain yours rightfully investigating; Slim Emcee[UG]the poet. Hotep in Merita.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:00:06 +0000

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