It’s another birthday…you are a year older my son…hehehe… - TopicsExpress


It’s another birthday…you are a year older my son…hehehe… which also means I am a year older too. Hmm…time really fly. Felt like it was only yesterday I wrote that birthday note for you on fb. Every birthday of a child is celebrated in different ways, and for the mother, the birth experience for each child is unique. For me, when the child is celebrating the birthday, that birth memory will surely come back. Back then, 27 years ago, I was pregnant for the fist time, in a foreign land. Being a final year undergrad student with no health insurance and no job. Planned to deliver at a birth centre with assistance from a professional midwife. Pregnancy had passed 2 weeks due date. On that Thursday, 19 Nov, I started to show some signs. That afternoon was a check-up day. I remember that throughout the pregnancy, in the beginning, check-up was monthly then close the due date, check-up was weekly. The birthing centre was located in the country and hilly side of Knoxville, TN and to get there we had to go through winding roads. Being pregnant…winding roads. It was just not perfect match. Our car at that time was Dodge Diplomat. The same model used for American police car! So mid-wife visits were not one of the anticipated ones but we were excited every time because we wanted to know the progress of the pregnancy. I can’t recall why finally we opted for home birth instead. So that Thursday night I started to have labor pain. The mid-wife came to our place- a basement one bedroom apartment on 12th St, Laurel Ave. The night passed very slowly. I was under so much pain that I had never imagined before. Though I had gone through birthing classes, nothing seemed worked. Despite the whole night of contractions, I only dilated 3 cm. The midwife said I can’t have home delivery but need to go to the hospital. Hearing the word ‘hospital’, brought $$$ to our minds. We did not have the money to pay the bills. Put that aside and safety of me and the baby first, we managed to get to the hospital that morning. Contractions went on and the pain was unbearable. I finally agreed to take epidural. Yes…with epidural I was much relaxed and relieved. Then the nurse told me that I was 10 cm dilated and time to push. Push? How? I did not know how to push and I didn’t feel the urge to push. At the time I regretted taking the epidural. I pushed for an hour but failed to bring the baby out. I was exhausted. By that time it has been more than 24 hours of labor. No other choice but c-section was on the way. I want to thank a dear friend of my mine who was there with me all through out the pregnancy and the birth. Thank you, Yai Zuraidah Kornain Happy birthday Anas Satriya.Now that you have a wife to love and vice versa, that doesn’t change my love for you. Be the best husband and In sha Allah one day the best father.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 01:44:30 +0000

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