It’s your ability to trust that there is guidance available - TopicsExpress


It’s your ability to trust that there is guidance available which allows it to become guidance ! The full life of faith becomes a life of deep joy and rest. Once you are “grafted to the Vine,” to use Jesus’ words (John 15:4-5), you really don’t have to be anxious about many things (Luke 10:40). You really don’t have to be worried about the next moment or about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34). What you can trust is that you are being guided; in fact, almost everything is seen as guidance. It’s your ability to trust that there is guidance available which allows it to become guidance! You realize that God is letting this happen to you now to teach you something, to show you something, or to love you in a new way. Basically you switch from the fixing, fully understanding, and controlling mode to the trusting, listening, and allowing mode. Then you start allowing the Divine Flow instead of stopping it with a no and a question mark. The Spirit in you allows you to trust that there’s a reason for this; God is even in this. That does not mean you can’t finally work to change things or to improve things, in fact, quite the contrary. But I’m saying that when a yes and not a no first comes to your soul and to your heart, then you can see God in the moment and see guidance in this event being given to you by the provident hand of God. You can trust that nothing is wasted. If there are changes and fixes that have to be made, you can now do it in an appropriate, calm, and positive way. That is what characterizes a mature believer in any religion. Faith, as we see in the Hebrew Scriptures and Jesus’ usage of the same, is much closer to our words “trust” or “confidence” than it is about believing doctrines to be true (which demands almost no ego surrender or real change of the small self). We have wasted too many centuries now defending such an intellectual notion of Biblical faith. Real faith people are, quite simply, usable for larger purposes because they live in and listen to a much Larger Self. ~ Fr. Richard Rohr
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 07:08:53 +0000

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