Ive been hearing so much deceit and propaganda and foolishness - TopicsExpress


Ive been hearing so much deceit and propaganda and foolishness from black/commie/anarchy activists… so much purposeful ignoring of reality, so much faux outrage, so much double-talk from the Dysons and Farrakhans and Sharptons, so much insanity from the people who say burn this b*tch down and set about destroying their own neighborhoods and eliminating the businesses who provide their own family and neighbors the JOBS with which they can improve themselves…. So much insanity, stupidity, treachery, so much vile and evil intent. So much discouragement, so much sadness, so much DAMAGE. All for two young men… Martin and Brown. Both criminals, both dopers (to the extent that they committed crimes to get money for dope), both self-styled gangsters, fighters and thugs, both showing outrageous aggression and both defaulting to physical force to achieve their desired outcomes (Martin attacked, mounted and pummeled Zimmerman until Zimmerman felt he had to shoot to survive, and Brown attacked and tried to shoot Wilson, then charged him again, seconds later, running right down the barrel of Wilsons gun)…. I am so sick of the purposeful ignoring of plain facts and the repetition of carefully designed lies for POLITICAL purposes; to gin up anger and rage in a certain group so that it will act in a way that destabilizes public order and reinforces a lie -- that racism is just like 1952 and nothings changed and cops and white people hate black people, etc). SO SICK OF IT. Tell the truth. JUST TELL THE TRUTH. If the truth makes you angry, feel free to be angry. But the staggering breadth and depth and incoherence of the lies -- not accidental or emotional lies but carefully planned and coached and designed lies -- is so bad now as to panic normal people, to make other groups ready and on their toes for a REAL fight. The lies are being used to set group against group and fracture and shatter the order of American society. The more the public, in general, comes to believe in and be confident in racial progress and an almost color blind society like we have today, the less power the radical left will have. They have NOTHING to lead people to them. They have no solutions, they are not practical or wise, and their agenda is generally destructive and economically damaging. It is an agenda which ends in the full empowerment of government and the reduction of individuals to serf or slave. The left has nothing to recommend it. The ONLY way it can have political power is if people believe falsehoods. And the better America becomes, the worse the lies of the left become, to take away happiness and to disrupt progress and success in the areas of American life which simply MUST be terrible -- if the left is to have any political power. I feel sorry for millions of black people who have been so thoroughly lied to for so long that they honestly believe its still 1952. They cant possibly have any joy or any hope. But I do NOT believe that ALL of them are in that boat. I think a segment of them are just gaming it, parroting the outrage that is occasionally expected of them, to support the dry, venal, corrupt power-grasping of the left, who will reward them somehow in some vague way at some vague future time for showing unity. They know what the game is. Show outrage, get a big screen. Show outrage, get someone else to buy your groceries. Show outrage, be overlooked by police when you end up living that inevitable life of crime. They urp up the outrage on command, and they get what they think they want. Venal, vile, deceitful. A life built on lies, including lies they knowingly tell again and again. And a life without a future and without the possibility of improvement. For the people who created this situation, and for those black people who know whats going on and do it anyway because theyre wanting what theyre being offered, there will be a price to pay. Many are paying it already, innocents as well as the guilty, but this can only get worse without a real pivot point, a real bottoming out, a real turn toward better things. That turn for the better needs to get here FAST. So in the midst of all these thoughts I had a turn of phrase pop into my head… for the Browns, the Martins, and their fellow thugs, Sammy Davis Jr. sang it-- dont do the crime if you cant do the time. Which led my random mind to Sammy. :-) People often tell me I should write a book. With a mind that goes from social change to the theme from Baretta in less than ten paragraphs, Im thinking that writing a book isnt the, ah, best use of my time. :-)
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 16:11:06 +0000

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