Ive been looking for a way to say this, and here was a great - TopicsExpress


Ive been looking for a way to say this, and here was a great catalyst for the words Im trying so hard to form. Suicide has touched me too deeply in the past year, and in my life, for it to ever be something that doesnt rock me to the absolute core. Please, I am absolutely begging you all, especially you, you beautiful artists, who not only see beauty more deeply, but see what is ugly as well: If you ever feel as though there is no one to live for. If you ever feel as if no one is there to give a shit. If you ever, for a single second, feel as though no one will care if you are gone, or that your life does not have meaning, or that it will be too hard to continue with tomorrow. Please, Im literally begging you to find someone to talk to. Find me. Find a friend. Find a parent, or a sibling, or a suicide hotline. Find someone who can show you how good it will feel one day when the sun comes out and you no longer hate it, and you can feel as though there is something that will make today better and will make tomorrow something you look forward to. You are worth it. Your life is worth it. Please, please get help. Its okay to be weak. Its okay to feel broken. Its even okay to feel alone. But its never okay to stay silent about it. To those of you who suspect someone you know might be suicidal: Its never a joke. Its never something to be ignored. Those people need you, even if they look okay. Even if they get mad, feel as though youre badgering them, feel as though youve betrayed them in some way, I guarantee, if you are the reason they are alive when those clouds finally clear, none of those grudges will be held for very long. Be persistent. Dont give up on them. Dont get angry at them. I love you all. Love each other. Were all that any of us have.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:03:37 +0000

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