Ive been reading with interest all the calls for SNP etc support - TopicsExpress


Ive been reading with interest all the calls for SNP etc support and calls to not be side tracked by conspiracy theories re vote rigging etc. Now when I worked alongside social services in England and we had a child who needed long term care we did what was called twin tracking! This meant that plans were put in place side by side for both adoption and long term foster care and that the final decision would be taken when all the information was in. However because both options had been fully investigated the final decision could be implemented very quickly. I dont see why this cant be the case with this. I truly believe that to get more than the 45% on board we need to really prove that they were not just lied to on MSM but also that the voting procedure was in some instances a trifle suspect. I know that we have people on this site who actually watched the votes being counted and can attest to the honesty of the counters. However I keep reading about votes which had no barcode etc on the back and that to be legitimate votes they should have this. I also hear people saying how did they know to give you a blank vote, did they know you were voting yes. Or, if these werent right they were not counted and the number of spoiled papers etc was relatively small. Im also hearing about ballot boxes not having proper seals and being transported by single people. Now Im not stupid, far from it, and Im not a complete nutcase conspiracy theorist but why am I the only one that has spotted a flaw in this?? Lets just say that legal voting slips all have a barcode on the back. Lets also say that in some places illegal voting slips were handed out, a cross was put on them by unsuspecting Joe and Josephine McBloggs and posted in the ballot box. Then at some point between leaving the ballot centre and arriving at the counting centre either whole ballot boxes were swapped with pre-crossed ballot slips, or existing ballot boxes were emptied out and pre-crossed legitimately stamped ballot slips were put in. It doesnt take a genius to work that out. You just need to have a believable number of votes with a majority for your preferred result already done. This would also explain the alleged discrepancies between the numbers supposedly voting and the numbers returned. Now I think we do need to look into both the result/ballot slips etc AND move forward in strategy planning. These are not mutually exclusive. It just needs a bit of planning so that ground level YES groups do most of the move forward work and those with more legal knowledge look into the allegations re vote rigging. Its not rocket science!!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:55:48 +0000

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