Ive been thinking about my 15 year yoga practice a lot lately. - TopicsExpress


Ive been thinking about my 15 year yoga practice a lot lately. Ive been thinking about how it all began and how its shifted and changed over the years. When I first began practicing it was all about the physical. Just figuring out the shapes, learning their foreign sounding names and wondering sometimes how or when I would understand some of them better. It took me several years and a lot of frustration to figure out how to breathe correctly - no exaggeration. Sure, I could fake it through most of my classes and at that time group classes were pretty scarce anyway, so who the heck needed the breath? I remember the exact moment that I understood Ujjayi pranayama and the light bulb going off; my practice shifting in the blink of an eye; becoming more, taking me deeper. Soon enough, organically, I began holding my shapes longer. It was like using the asanas to dissect my body from the inside out. Watching the breath weaving in and out and opening me up not just physically, but in big waves of emotional and mental releases, and once again always at the right, perfect time. You get the idea... The practice must sustain us. Ideally, for a long, long time. In order for that to happen we need to feel connected and committed to it in a deep, meaningful way. This is the thought that has been coming up for me again and again and again in my practice lately. Is this practice that I am experiencing right now, in this moment, serving me? Is this what my body, mind & spirit needs right now? How will I approach this practice, in this moment, in this body in the most authentic way so that I am nurturing my highest self? These questions have challenged me in a big way and helped me work through some old, deep, sticky patterns finding space to breathe in a little deeper, let go a little bit more and feel more authentically connected to this practice that I cherish, trust and need. So, my challenge to you is just this... What are you doing today to nurture a lifelong yoga practice that will sustain you? How are you honoring your highest self? What keeps you coming back to your mat? Please share your thoughts with us and tag us with the hashtag: #yogathatsustainsme Much Love & Blessings- Jenn
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:39:02 +0000

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