Ive heard a few people say theyre voting no to save the NHS and - TopicsExpress


Ive heard a few people say theyre voting no to save the NHS and Ive told them thats going to put the NHS in even more trouble because England are privatising more and more of their services, their reply is that it doesnt affect us because the scottish NHS is independent and they are right... about the independent part anyway... but I tell them it affects us because of the Barnett formula. Thats when they look at me in confusion. So Im going to explain the Barnett formula to yous in the most simple way I can. The Barnett formula determines what money we receive from Westminster. Think of it as a big bag of pocket money to spend on devolved issues; health and social services, education, housing and a lot more. Westminster gives it to the scottish parliament and they divide it across all these areas, the more Westminster puts into public spending the more money we get too. But in recent years it has been putting less and less in so therefore we get less. The Scottish Government chooses how to spend the money but not how much it gets to spend. Since 2010 Westminster has took 7.2% out of Scotland block grant (bag of pocket money) which puts more pressure and strain on our public services and this figure will continue to rise which means the possibility of getting charged for some of the services that are free or privatisation of these services increases! So if you want to save the NHS AND the rest of our public services then VOTE YES!!!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 18:38:31 +0000

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