Ive submitted the following report several times to the Social - TopicsExpress


Ive submitted the following report several times to the Social Security Administration, who have refused to investigate it. (Ive been working on this since before the dogs were an issue.) Anyone have any ideas? To whom it may concern... In the summer of 2010 I learned that my mother, Rose Adams, had been my payee on an S.S.I. check I never even knew I had. It did explain a lot though. It explained why she refused to give me my personal documents. Birth certificate, social security card, etc. It explained why I was met with threats of violence or being kicked out, every time I wanted to get an ID or legitimate work. I started to suspect, after a time, that she was receiving some kind of benefits in my name, but I had no idea where to begin the process of confirming it. And any time I mentioned that I suspected she was receiving something I was met with threats of violence by her or her boyfriend. (Generally she treated her boyfriend as an attack dog, so shed threaten to effectively sick him on me.) Anyway, I never received a penny of those benefits all those years. Ive been asked if I lived with her, implying that she at least paid my rent. I never CHOSE to live with her and certainly wouldnt have been had I known there was money I could use to start my own life. I was also kicked out many times, constantly told I didnt pay rent. I couldnt even get bus money! I went years with holes in my clothes and shoes and many of my basic needs unmet. Finally a friend recommended going to a Social Security Office and even offered me a ride. They confirmed she was indeed payee on benefits in my name. I told them to remove her as payee and the employee refused. Afterwards though, I confronted Rose with what I had learned. She adamantly denied receiving anything, telling me Social Security was lying. When she finally accepted I knew the truth, it was agreed that the money would be used to get me a phone and internet for the house, because Id been completely cut off up until that point. No phone, no internet, no transportation. So the ONE bill I ever had was a Comcast bill. Well she never paid it and I ended up owing $286 to Comcast, which came out of my pocket after I finally got her removed as payee. Also, during most of the months the Comcast was in place, I actually wasnt at the house. Id gotten involved with a lady and no longer stayed there. I technically still had a room there, but any time I came over during that time period I was constantly run off and attacked. Now every time Ive attempted to report this fraud Ive been met with disrespect (including occasional laughter), misinformation, and outright lies by the employees at the Everett, WA, Social Security Office. And since I began reporting this fraud Ive found out that Rose had my mail being sent to her P.O. box, intercepting all my mail. That explained why Id never so much as received junk mail. I also found out that my mother applied for nearly ten social security cards, in my name, while I was a minor. She also attained one when I was 20 years old. When I asked how that could happen, I was told I mustve applied for it. NO. Ive never applied for a social security card. The closest Ive ever been to applying for a card, was updating my name when I was 25. The employee literally argued with me, telling me I MUSTVE applied for the card. Finally she printed up a copy of the application used to get my card when I was 20. The name was indeed signed Charles Edward Adams, but it wasnt in my hand writing and Ive never signed my middle name. (I actually cant as Im not very good at cursive.) On top of that, I had three items on hand that had my signature. They looked nothing like the signature on the application. The employee decided to tell me that if I thought the signature wasnt mine, I could attempt to report that to the Office of the Inspector General. If I thought my signature had been forged? (What the hell is wrong with you people?) She also refused to give me the print up of the application she showed me. On another occasion I tried correcting Social Securitys files regarding my name. Id just gotten my first state I.D., which took me five attempts to get. Like Ive already mentioned, I had no personal documents to prove who I was. I finally managed to manipulate Rose into giving me my birth certificate. Something made easier by the fact she knew I was attempting to report her for fraud. Unfortunately the birth certificate didnt match the name I had on record with Social Security, so I still couldnt get my I.D. Social Security had my name as Charles Edward Adams, Jr., the name Id been raised as. My birth certificate said Charles Edward Landers. Suddenly Rose pulls out one of my old social security cards shed been hanging onto. That one said Charles Edward Landers, so I finally got an I.D. under that name, not the name Id been raised to believe was mine. Anyway, I went to Social Security to update my name. I showed them my new I.D. and my birth certificate. The woman at the counter actually got snotty, stating the D.M.V./D.O.L. had no power in the Social Security Office. (Never mind that the D.M.V./D.O.L. actually is the final authority on ones identity.) They actually told me I had to get a legal name change from Adams to Landers, refusing to fix my name unless I brought in a name change document to show said change. The problem is a name change uses your birth certificate to determine your original name. Without a birth certificate saying Adams, Social Securitys request was literally impossible. I came back at a later date and found a more reasonable employee that just fixed it. Also, when I tried becoming my own payee, I was fed quite a bit of misinformation. First I was told I just needed a note from a doctor stating I was capable of handling my own payments. I met with a doctor for the letter of capability, but the doctor didnt even know what I was talking about. So I went back to Social Security to ask them to communicate with my doctor and clarify things. I even called my doctor on the spot, offering the Social Security worker a chance to handle things right there. They refused to speak with my doctor. The run around continued for several months, but I finally got the letter I needed after doing my own research. When I went to do the interview to become my own payee, I just happened to run into one of the workers whod previously fed me misinformation. This specific worker had previously told me it was absolutely impossible to become my own payee and that I could not get a letter of capability. Period. Well I did. So she told me to expect a call the next day, confirming or denying my application to become my own payee. I wasnt called till three days later. The worker told me shed forgotten to ask me a question involving my application to become my own payee. (It turned out to be a generic question she had actually already asked me.) Afterwards, she told me to expect a call back the following Monday. I never got one, so I called back the following Friday. I dealt with a highly argumentative worker who hung up on me a couple of times. So I called back again, stating I was recording the call this time. Finally I was able to find out my application had been denied, though Id never received a call back saying so. A couple weeks later I went to the Lynnwood Social Security Office, trying to register a new payee, when they asked why I wasnt my own payee. The worker stated I clearly wasnt insane or slow in the head. I told him about the above ordeal. He told me to never deal with the Everett branch, because theyre shady about how they conduct business. He told me to go get the letter of capability Id given them and bring it to him. Hed approve it. I could even ask for him if he wasnt at the counter whenever I returned. I ended up not needing to ask for him when I got there, because the worker I dealt with was equally reasonable. She ran my application and called me before the office even opened the next morning, stating I was now officially my own payee. So I was jerked around in Everett, by a worker with a grudge, while Lynnwood treated me professionally and with respect. -Logan Broliath
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 03:25:32 +0000

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