My day got off to a rough start. Ive been in a cage match with - TopicsExpress


My day got off to a rough start. Ive been in a cage match with my own self-doubt ... and self-doubt definitely won the last few rounds. My college roommate contacted me this morning and said, Tell me something inspiring... And so I did ... without even thinking about it ... without even expending any effort. I asked him if he could identify what served as the CEO of his life ... before telling him that PURPOSE was the CEO of my life. I am here to offer insight, illumination, and inspiration... I told my Room Dog ... right before I moved into inspiring another college friend of mine ... again without even thinking or expending any effort. I told him that I believed in him ... and he indicated that he is still working on believing in himself. Youd think wed have this all figured out by now, right?? he asked. After talking to him about our relentless battles with self-doubt, I sent him a Facebook photo that was on my wall this morning, which read: When you start doubting yourself, remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. That photo is resonating this morning, because several people were liking it as he and I were chatting. Are you crystal clear on your purpose? he asked me. If so, what is it? Smiling because I knew that it wasnt a coincidence, I copied and pasted the very same thing that I said to my Room Dog earlier that morning... I am here to offer insight, illumination, and inspiration... And right then, in that moment, a former supervisor of mine sent me the viral video that Im sharing here on my page, with a simple message that read, Reminded me of you... Do yourself a favor and watch this video. This kid is amazing. He is an instrument of Divine purpose, whether he knows it or not. I was so moved by the gesture of my former supervisor ... I worked with him for less than one calendar year ... and this kid in this video reminds him ... of ME??? I was overwhelmed by this thought ... and overwhelmed by all the people who contacted me this morning ... and overwhelmed by all of the people who were responding to the Facebook photo that I shared on my wall ... and overwhelmed because all of it was happening at once ... and overwhelmed that honoring my purpose is creating a profound resonance in the world ... and overwhelmed because I realized that even though I had lost the last few rounds in my fight against self-doubt, I recognized that LOVE was in my corner, standing right behind me. Nothing is random. Meaning is everywhere. And I am not alone. The final straw came moments later ... when a dear friend, to whom I have offered insight, illumination, and inspiration many times, contacted me... Your record for conquering rough days is 100% ... she said. As we eventers say, kick on. At that point, I couldnt hold back the tears. Even though there was a woman sitting right next to me in the library, I just let myself well up with emotion ... as I wiped away a lot of tears. My heart was SO FULL ... of joy ... of wonder ... of grace ... and of gratitude. Without even having to ask for it, my needs were met in a poignant and powerful way. As I provide spiritual uplift to others, that same spiritual uplift was provided to me. And because of it, Im ready to step back into the ring. Im gonna win the fight. And so are you. The thing that is so WONDERFUL about Facebook in particular and social media in general is the fact that we can all be in each others corners, every single day, lifting each other up. So thank you Tiranus Edwards ... and Bradford Speaks ... and Michelle Barr ... and Todd Huddleston ... and Nancy Dyer McDowell ... and all of you who were in my corner this morning. And thank you most of all, LOVE -- the God of my understanding -- for reminding me that you never give up on me, so I cant ever give up on YOU. None of us can give up. Were gonna lose a few rounds, but in the end you and I will defeat self-doubt in resounding fashion -- as we raise our hands in sweet victory. Together.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:53:11 +0000

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