I’m a forensic artist. I went to art camp for two weeks, and - TopicsExpress


I’m a forensic artist. I went to art camp for two weeks, and then got a job at Lake Wampum police department. 我是一位嫌犯肖像素描師。我上過兩個星期的繪畫營,然後在Lake Wampum警察局找到了一份工作。 I showed up at this place I’d never been before, and there was this guy with a drafting board. 我出現在這個從未去過的地方,有這麼個男人和一塊素描版。 So I couldn’t see him, and he couldn’t see me. 所以我看不到他,他也看不到我。 So he started asking me some questions to describe myself, and after a while I could tell that he was drawing me. 所以他開始問我一些問題來描述我自己,然後過了一會兒我能分辨出他正在畫我。 Describe your chin. 描述一下你的下巴。 I’ve been told I have a broad jaw. 有人跟我說我下巴寬大。 How would you describe your nostrils? 你會怎麼形容你的鼻孔? Virile, I think. 我認為很Man 。 Tell me about your eyebrows. 跟我說說你的眉毛吧。 They are like…two…dark…lines of hair. 它們好像…兩條…深黑色的…毛髮線條。 I have above average eyelash length. 我有超越一般人的睫毛長度。 Ruddy cheeks. 紅潤的雙頰。 The kind of beard that every man would like to have. 每個男人都想要的鬍鬚。 I have radiant skin. 我有容光煥發的肌膚。 Pouty lips. 翹唇。 Handsome eyes that people just wanna look into for two hours. I don’t know. I never really look into my own eyes. 人們就想要緊緊盯住不放兩小時的俊俏雙眼。我不知道。我從來沒有真的盯著我自己的眼睛看過。 Once I get a sketch, I say, “thank you very much,” then they leave. I don’t see them. 一旦我畫好了素描,我說:「很感謝你。」然後他們離開。我不見他們。 And before I interviewed, they asked me to talk to this absolutely douchebag named Derrick. 而在我面試之前,他們要求我跟這個叫做Derrick、完完全全的白目談談。 Today, I’m going to ask you some questions about the person you met earlier. And I’m going to ask you some general questions about his face. 今天,我要問你一些關於你先前遇到的人的問題。我要問你幾個關於他樣貌的一般問題。 Yes, I feel like being a really harsh one. One thing is because of his cross-eye. I feel like he would be excellent looking two different things at the same time. 是的,我感覺像是個很嚴厲的人。一方面是因為他的鬥雞眼。我覺得好像他同時注視兩件不同的事情會很優秀。 His eyes were beady. 他的眼睛像豆子一樣。 Soulless eyes. 空洞的眼神。 Like a raptor. Like a bird of prey. Sort of big nose. 像一隻猛禽。像隻掠食的猛禽。有點大鼻子。 His nostrils were huge. 他的鼻孔像山洞。 Um, completely colorless. It was like he had just seen a ghost, or he had never stepped outside in his entire life. 嗯,完全是慘白的。好像是他剛剛才見鬼了,或是他這輩子從沒出過門。 He did have wide teeth. His teeth were wide. They were really misshapen and kind of jagged, like they had just kind of been knocked over and clumsily put back together. Um, but they were pretty wide, kinda wide. They weren’t that wide. 他的確齒列不整。他的牙齒寬鬆。它們真的很畸形,而且有點參差不齊,好像是剛剛才被打翻然後歪七扭八的被裝回去。嗯,但它們非常寬鬆,有點寬鬆。它們並沒那麼鬆。 So here we are. This is the sketch that you helped me create, and that’s a sketch that somebody described of you. 所以我們到了。這是你幫助我創作出來的素描,而那是某個人描述的你畫出的素描。 Wait, what? 等等,啥? Well, I’m better looking than that. 這個嘛,我比那個樣子好看多了。 Really? I’m a lot better looking than I thought I was. 真的嗎?我比想像中好看得多。 You’re actually the other one. 其實你是另一個。 Uh…are you sure? Like it wasn’t… 啊…你確定嗎?還是它不是… No, uh…yeah, pretty sure. 不,啊…沒錯,非常確定。 Yeah? Yeah, you suck at drawing. 是嗎?嗯,你畫得真爛。 You might not be as good looking as you think. 你也許沒有你想像的那麼好看。
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 09:31:19 +0000

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