I’m a pessimist. The bad news is Hong Kong is alone in its - TopicsExpress


I’m a pessimist. The bad news is Hong Kong is alone in its resistance against communism. It’s of no importance on the world atlas. The Brits handed it over because Hong Kong is indefensible militarily. Britain was a maritime power and an empire when it took over Hong Kong but the power balance changed over time. Hong Kong fell to the Japanese invasion and was only restored after the Japanese capitulated. Pitch any big power you fancy against the PRC, and they’re all going to walk away from it. If Hong Kong can be defended, would the Brits handed it to China so willingly? So I believe that’s the true reason for the British withdrawal. The worse news is the whole world is in deep shit because of the climate change. Very soon, a power greater than humans will humble us all and wipe out many lives. The conservative estimate is that the sea level will rise about 5 to 10 metres in a couple of decades, right? And there’ll be crop failures, earthquakes, flash floods, etc all different natural disasters and the nastiness of human nature will break loose. 所以,就算沒辦法獨立,「等天收」或「天滅中共」這句話在你我有生之年很大機會發生,唉,也不算是個好消息吧,到時天災人祸一齊來。
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 02:42:50 +0000

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