I’m confused, when I was growing up I was taught to help those - TopicsExpress


I’m confused, when I was growing up I was taught to help those around me if I could. I was raised to learn from others if I wasnt adequately educated in certain areas. I was told to work together with others to achieve outcomes that I couldnt reach on my own. It was engraved in me to help those in need without expecting anything in return. There was a sense of community where I lived, there was no need to disregard someone who wasnt as proficient as others. Where people befriended each other regardless of how they looked or what they viewed, but instead enjoyed the similarities they shared no matter how small. Where if someone was in trouble a stranger would jump to their aid, instead of casually observing or intentionally avoiding the situation. A place where you could comfortably talk to someone you didnt know and enjoy a conversation without worry. Where people would hold the door for someone, help someone across the street, any act of kindness regardless of age or gender. When strangers actually cared for one another because they were collectively trying to make the world a better place. Understandably perfection cannot be achieved, however, I now feel like a stranger in my own home. The home I am talking about is where I live, not the house I reside in, but the entire planet. When did we lose sight of what actually matters in life, how did compassion and kindness essentially vanish from our common good. Trust has slipped from our basic values, we came from a time when you didnt have to worry about trusting the person next to you and fear your safety. Our values havent vanished, they have been distorted, and the worst part is we are being distracted from holding on to what’s actually worth something. We are now in a world were people will murder each other for things that arent even worth our time of day to think about. Without realizing, our priorities have been altered from our youth. We have made things of insignificance important and left the actual issues behind us for others to deal with. We have lost our touch with gaining knowledge and making a difference and replaced it with who gets more likes or who has more followers. Where people will hate each other for heresy instead of making peace. I could go on about how people try and lower others self-esteem since they dont “fit in” or how we leave others behind with the mindset of showing everyone how much better we did. But I am not here to talk about that, we seem to keep missing the main point. Life is about working together and making the world a better place to live, not destroy nature and remove who we dont agree with. Because we allow such negative feelings to consume us we lose our human nature, we are supposed to be compassionate and treat others how we would like to be treated. We make so much time for hatred, sadness, remorse, etc. that we forget how much one positive act can change our surroundings. We are constantly reminded of what people havent done or can’t do, but in reality we should be reminded of how much we can do as a whole. Life is too short to let other’s opinions or actions stop you. Some situations may be worse than others and I honestly couldnt tell you that it’s easy to get over, we all have our issues and I can only attest to my own. However, I know that making a positive difference from negative occurrences makes a difference for others; we arent the only people who have been victim to hatred and tragedy. To cut it short, yes this is the condensed version, I only want to remind myself and others that we can make a difference in the world. If you can forgive someone, then I recommend doing so, because our small issues between each other are not worth hurting over. Think of all the good memories you have with them if possible because those are the only ones worth remembering. I sincerely apologize to anyone I may have hurt and hope you can find it to forgive me. I only wish the best to all of you, since without you I wouldnt be where I am.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 02:29:55 +0000

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