JESUS FOLLOWERS SERMON/MESSAGE (3.5 mins.): What should the focus - TopicsExpress


JESUS FOLLOWERS SERMON/MESSAGE (3.5 mins.): What should the focus of our faith be? The teachings of Jesus makes it extremely clear. Though as usual, modern Christendom has nearly completely forgotten this, because it is not at all focused on his teachings. Jesus calls us to deny ourselves take up our cross and follow him. (Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23.) We are to be “other-centered,” not focused on Self. Jesus calls us to self-denial, to serve others beyond even their demands. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles (Matt. 5:41.) Jesus calls on us to live a life of self-denial, not to make ourselves fat, comfortable, wealthy and detached from the cares of Others. We must, if we love Jesus, serve these Others first, and do so with a perfect self-sacrifice, as modeled by none other than Jesus himself (Matt. 20:28; John 13:15.) And yet, with a perverse sense of self-entitlement, some make God into our own Servant, rather than making God the object of our service and love. We are called to fully serve God and fully serve our fellow human beings. But Christendom - the modern bearer of the Christs name - often finds a way to make our lives all about ourselves. If your Church is telling you that you are ENTITLED to material success, then your church is speaking against Jesus. Jesus calls us to serve and lose ourselves in that service. The early disciples of Jesus left ALL - friends, family, material goods, homes, jobs - to follow Jesus (Luke 18:28.) Jesus assures us that storing up goods in Heaven is far greater than storing up material goods - which rust and fall apart (Matt. 6:20.) If your Church is telling you that you CANNOT be Righteous, and that Jesus did all the work of being righteous FOR YOU 2,000 years ago, your church is lying, and the entire message of Jesus testifies against this horrible doctrine. It is the one who does Righteousness, not the one who merely says they have it, that actually is righteous (Matt. 5:20; Isaiah 33:15.) Jesus said we must stop sinning and serving the Self, that we must turn instead to God, and begin seeking (and doing) Righteousness, serving God and obeying God’s commands. If your Church tells you that the cut-throat approach to business and life is the right one, and you should emulate it, RUN from that Church Because selfish ambition and jealousy lead to disorder and corruption (James 3:16.) And if your Church lashes out at the ideas of Knowledge, Wisdom, and following the Teachings of Jesus and instead says its okay to be selfish, this is a place isolated from Gods Will (Prov. 18:1.) Again: RUN AWAY. Fast. What does all this mean for us in our daily lives? Were called by Jesus to love our neighbor just as we would love ourselves (Mark 12:31) to even love our enemies with just as much strength (Matt. 5:44.) This often, almost always, means putting OTHERS ahead of ourselves. Serving others often means putting our desires on hold, and serving, rather than to be served (Mark 10:45.) Is this HARD? Yes, it can be hard to put others above yourself. But we were never promised a wide gate (Matt. 7:13) easy religion when we promised we would follow the teachings, life and example of Jesus. James, the brother of Jesus, puts it like this: Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. (James 1:27.) Jesus is our perfect example (by his Righteous acts) of Gods Will for our lives. We must seek to follow Jesus in all things, meekly and humbly seeking God and Gods Kingdom first (Matt. 6:33) above our own needs and desires, and relying on Gods forgiveness when we fall short, forgiving others as we expect to be forgiven by God. So, let us turn our hearts to Gods way, and not to selfish gain (Psalm 119:36)! Lets show by our Lights (Matt. 5:14) and our Deeds (James 2:18) what kind of Faith we have in Gods anointed Spokesman, Jesus!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:00:00 +0000

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