JEWISH SCRIPTURES V/S LATTER DAY 8TH CENTURY ISLAMIC KORAN WHICH TRIES TO REPLICATE AND REPLACE NOT ONLY THE ORIGINAL, SCRIPTURES BUT ALSO THE FOLLOWERS, JEWS/ CHRISTIANS. The first five books of the Bible were compiled by the same author, this includes Genesis. (all show Moses as the author and compiler by direct revelation also using the traditions i.e genealogies. Exod.17:14; Lev.1:1-2 Num.33:2; Deut.1:1). What God told Moses he wrote. He did not write anything God did not tell him to write. How did the writer (Moses) know what happened before man appeared? God revealed the past, as He reveals the future to the prophets. Genesis 1 focuses on God calling the universe into existence ex nihilo, “out of nothing.” And the preceding days where he arranges the universe and the earth for habitation. Genesis two gives us the details missing from Genesis 1. Romans 4:17: God, who…calls the things that are not, as though they were.” Hebrews 11:3 also states: “the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that what is seen has not been made of things which appear.” God is presented as the Creator of both the material and the immaterial universe, of all things made. As John 1:2 tells us. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God . God is introduced as Elohim (used thirty-five times), the Hebrew word for “God,” He is the Creator that existed before all things. It is in Genesis 2 that God is called YHWH Elohim, identifying him as the self existent one creator of both the heavens (plural) and the earth. The earth becomes the center of His plan and the sun, moon and stars are created in reference to the earth. CONTRAST THIS WITH THE PAGAN RITUALS FOLLOWED BY THE GENERATION OF MUHAMMAD’S PARENTS AT MECCA. The Moon was the great divinity of the Arabs. The Sarazens gave her the epithet of Cabar or the Great; her Crescent adorns to this day the religious monuments of the Turks. Her elevation under the sign of the Bull, constituted one of the principal feasts of the Saracens and the sabean Arabs. Each Arab tribe was under the invocation of a constellation Each one worshipped one of the celestial bodies as its tutelar genius. The Caabah of the Arabs was before the time of Mahomet, a temple dedicated to the Moon. The black stone which the Musulmans kiss with so much devotion to this day, is, as it is pretended, an ancient statue of Saturnus. The walls of the great mosque of Kufah, built on the foundation of an ancient Pyrea or temple of the fire, are filled with figures of planets artistically engraved. The ancient worship of the Arabs was the Sabismus, a religion universally spread all over the Orient. Heaven and the Stars were the first objects thereof. This religion was that of the ancient Chaldeans, and the Orientals pretend that their Ibrahim or Abraham was brought up in that doctrine. There is still to be seen at Hella, over the ruins of the ancient Babylon, a mosque called Mesched Eschams, or the mosque of the Sun. It was in this city, that the ancient temple of Bel, or the Sun, the great Divinity of the Babylonians, existed; it is the same God, to whom the Persians erected temples and consecrated images under the name of Mithras. Astrotheology at Mecca One of the sites for this Arab worship of the hosts of heaven was Mecca. Regarding the Kaaba of Mecca, that holiest of Muslim holies, Walker (487) writes: Shrine of the sacred stone in Mecca, formerly dedicated to the pre-Islamic Triple Goddess Manat, Al-Lat (Allah), and Al-Uzza, the Old Woman worshipped by Mohammeds tribesmen the Koreshites. The stone was also called Kubaba, Kuba or Kube, and has been linked with the name of Cybele (Kybela), the Great Mother of the Gods. The stone bore the emblem of theyoni, like the Black Stone worshipped by votaries of Artemis. Now it is regarded as the holy center of patriarchal Islam, and its feminine symbolism has been lost, though priests of the Kaaba are still known as Sons of the Old Woman. And a translator of the Koran, N.J. Dawood (1), says: Long before Muhammads call, Arabian paganism was showing signs of decay. At the Kabah the Meccans worshipped not only Allah, the supreme Semitic God, but also a number of female deities whom they regarded as daughters of Allah. Among these were Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat, who represented the Sun, Venus and Fortune respectively. Arabian Matriarchy Concerning the nation of Arabia, Walker asserts that, prior to the encroachment of Islam, it was a matriarchal culture for over 1,000 years. Muhammad referred to Jews and Christians as people of the book and wanted his followers to be people of the book too, but he never intended that the Quran should be written. Muhammad is the author of AI-Quran, The Reading, although he was illiterate. According to Muslim tradition the surahs (chapters of the Quran) had been put in writing individually and circulated separately before the Prophets death, but the transmission of the Sacred Text was entrusted to those who had committed the whole of it to memory. It was only after most of these were killed in a battle soon after Muhammads death, that it was decided to put the Quran in writing as a whole. However, it was only in the Caliphate ofOthman (644-655 A.D.) that the authoritative text was drafted on the basis of all existing written copies of individual surahs and the recollections of those who had committed the Quran to memory. This is the orthodox version of the events. It is also the orthodox view that the final arrangement of the surahs is that of the Prophet himself, even though it is evident that the arrangement of the official text was made on the basis of concepts of subject matter, without regard for correct chronology, and that some surahs were composed of passages from different experiences of revelation. In principle each surah should be the contents of one prophetic inspiration. Muslims distinguish between the Quran itself and the sunnahs which are rules of law and explicatory commentaries based on what Muhammad is said to have spoken or done when he was not in a prophetic state. HENCE IF THERE IS A TOSS BETWEEN WHOSE WRITINGS COME FROM ORIGINAL SOURCES AND WHICH SHOULD BE ADHERED TO, THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD, THE BIBLE AMALGAMATED FROM JEWISH AND LATTER APOSTOLIC WRITINGS, SHOULD BE DEPENDED ON FOR MORE HISTORICAL AND THEOLOGICAL ACCURACY.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 07:02:30 +0000

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