JONAH CHAPTER 1-4 OUT OF GODS WILL INTO A DESERT LAND Now the Lord said to Jonah I want you to go to Ninevah because there wickedness has come before me.I want you talk to the people about there sins and repent to the Lord.But Jonah went out of Gods will and he went to Tarshish and took the first boat going out.When God tells us to do something we are like little children and dont want to listen sometimes .But if God tells you to go somewhere but you get out of Gods presence theres consequences.Now Jonah on his way Tarshish out of the presence of the Lord .So what God did next was let Jonah get no rest Jonah could not get no sleep on the boat.Because you can not run from Gods presence and rest and you can not hide from the things of God.Now the men on the boat realize that the wind and storm was strong that the boat would not move in the direction that they wanted the boat to go.But Jonah told the men on the boat I am the cause of this storm.Just throw me over in the water I got out of the presence of God so the men throw Jonah in the water.And behold a fish swallow Jonah up see God will put you in place by yourself and you have no other choice but to pray.Because you in a place of darkness a place were you need Gods help.Now Jonah praying and repenting and crying out to God because disobedience will make you cry out in the belly of the fish.I remember before I got saved I heard the Lords voice ,God told me I called you Rosilynn to do my will.But I was not ready I was clubbing and having fun and one thing about God He will shut everything down in your life.Friends turned on me family members tried to curse me ,lied on picked on plucked out.Im help somebody today I look to my right I could not find nobody I walked to my left could not find nobody.I was all alone by myself and heard a soft voice coming from the Lord saying hear I am I had to cause some interruption to get your attention. Now I got your fully divide attention Rosilynn I call you for ministry and thats when I gave my life to God fully.Stay in Gods will no matter how hard it gets for God got a plan for your life Jonah this not about you somebody needs to be delivered ,because they are crying out in the wilderness.OUT OF GODS WILL INTO A DESERT LAND
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 10:57:06 +0000

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