JUDGES, YOU OWE US YOUR HONESTY! Judge me not, for I do know - TopicsExpress


JUDGES, YOU OWE US YOUR HONESTY! Judge me not, for I do know what I do. It’s a very sad day when the judiciary of any country follows government policies against the welfare of its population; it’s an even sadder day when the judges understand those laws are wrong and continue to “follow orders” anyway. And that is the point that we have come to in 2014. Police are no longer policing by consent, but are private companies (check in the registration office) and like all privatized companies, MUST make a profit. The courts in our country are registered as private companies, and as a private company have to turn a profit. The police force and the courts are owned by individuals. The House of Lords = private company. Parliament =private company. The BBC is the only private company allowed to issue COURT WARRANTS WITHOUT LEGAL JUDICIAL INVOLVEMENT. These “BBC license courts” are all held without the defendant being allowed legal representation, without defense, without a court recorder and can fine a person for non compliance of a contract that the person was not aware of. This has been proven time and again, the BBC change the license agreement constantly without consultation with the customer. ALL COMPUTERS, MOBILE PHONES, TABLETS, LAPTOPS, I PHONES, AND ANY DEVICE CAPABLE OF RECEIVING AN INTERNET SIGNAL NOW NEED A TV LICENSE. DID THE BBC ASK YOU TO CHANGE THEIR CONTRACT TO INCLUDE ALL INTERNET DEVICES? Banking profit inventors can steal your cash with Ppi’s and the like without informing you. Companies can put profit margins over and above the cost of living, then reduce things to a lower profit level and call it a “SALE” Multi national companies can avoid taxes at will, multi national business owners (like Monsanto’s and the banking owners) have immunity from justice and law. Politicians can take away any civil liberty without judicial argument. Politicians are allowed to persecute the disabled, elderly, the poor and in-firmed without fear of the law or judiciary. It is pointless protesting the politicians, the police or any other government authority without the support of the judges. Our whole population MUST start writing and emailing the Supreme Court judges that we want change and are not being allowed our democratic and human rights. Politicians have refused and have agreed to continue refusing free food to human beings in our own country. To politically refuse food to human beings in Britain though immoral and selfish is lawful and legal. We, the people, are not winning the “selfish war” with our politicians and super wealthy, we are loosing hands down, because we have no arena to contest politicians except a corrupt media and pointless “parliamentary complaints” Politicians who are proven liars become ministers, ministers become millionaires and billionaires and then tell the hungry and cold and homeless “we are all in this together” and “we have won the moral argument for continued austerity”. Politicians have made the law BELOW themselves. Whilst the whole nation HAS to follow and obey the law, politicians, banking criminals, investment criminals, stock exchange fraudsters, libor fraudsters and many more PROVEN dishonest people are immune too and above the law. JUDGES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO ALLOW OUR PEOPLE TO BE STARVED AND SUPPRESSED WHILST KNOWN CRIMINALS ARE RUNNING MAJOR BANKING, FINANCE, INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL AND POLITICALLY DISHONEST PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO GO FREE? TO JUDGE IS ONE THING; TO SUPPORT GOVERNMENT STARVATION OF PARTS OF THE POPULATION IS SOMETHING ELSE ALTOGETHER. Food is no ones to deny as it is a necessity to life. Without food, WE DIE, simple! For any judge to stand by and allow the denial of basic needs such as food and water is murdering the individual involved. WHEN GERMAN JUDGES HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO STOP HITLER KILLING HIS OWN PEOPLE, THEY CHOSE NOT TOO, WILL BRITISH JUDGES CONTINUE THE PATTERN? will our judges continue following orders? Jsa.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:22:20 +0000

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