JULY 17TH – GRAND WATER TRINE A Grand Water Trine has formed as - TopicsExpress


JULY 17TH – GRAND WATER TRINE A Grand Water Trine has formed as Jupiter in Cancer has now joined up with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces to form a Grand Water Trine with the outer planets that will last through the next 6 weeks, becoming exact by degree on July 17th, 2013, at 4 degrees. This is a very powerful and important aspect, because it is formed by the outer planets.. A grand trine occurs when 3 planets form an equilateral triangle in the zodiac. The energy in a Grand Trine is very harmonious! With a Grand trine in Water, the harmonious energy can be very flowy. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. We have Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces. Water is about our emotions, feelings, and the energy that surrounds our inner world. Water energy is very intuitive, Spiritual, psychic, healing, nurturing, and loving. It gives us the ability to meditate, manifest, and travel to other dimensions…to communicate with God/Goddess, Source, Creator, our Angels and Guides, and those on the other side. Water energy brings us to the place just outside of reason…..beyond the everyday happenings. It’s a place where you just “know” things and you feel them in your Soul. This Grand Water trine gives us the opportunity to ground and bring into form (Saturn in Scorpio) while expanding in all areas (Jupiter in Cancer) along with tapping into our high intuitiveness, psychic abilities, creativity/manifesting and high spirituality (Neptune in Pisces). All three of these planets are forming the continuous energy flow of this Grand Water Trine. With Saturn in Scorpio we have the ability to ground our visions, our thoughts, and ideas into form in the areas of other people’s money, the Soul Mate, natural shamanism, and Earth Spirituality. All of these being accented and surrounded in the watery energy of…..high intuition and healings. With Saturn in Scorpio in this Grand Water Trine we are being asked to start walking our talk and speaking out about the Earth, other people’s money, all areas of natural healing, and the honoring of the dying process, along with integrity and respect for all and in all areas. One of the ultimate visions of Saturn in Scorpio in the Grand Water Trine would be the honoring along with bringing into balance both the natural medicines and the pharmaceutical companies. Saturn in Scorpio is about discipline and structure giving us the ability to bring into form our dreams and manifestations, and to help bring them into reality. Clarity of intention from Saturn is also a key in manifestations. Saturn also helps us to ground and stay focused, which is a must with these energies. Without focus and grounding the expansion energies of this Grand Water Trine can bellow out into drama, negativity, illness, etc. Discipline is the masculine counterpart to the feminine energy of Expansion…..helping to bring about balance! Stay positive….no matter what. Jupiter brings us the higher knowledge’s….both college types of knowledge and Spiritual Knowledge while it also adds sprinkles of optimism and joy! Questing for knowledge all over the world is also part of Jupiter, especially when it comes to Religions and Philosophies. Trust and Master Teachers are also part of Jupiter’s energies. With Jupiter playing such a large role in the Grand Water Trine and the Cardinal T-Square….we are being asked to move and expand in all areas by moving forward… taking a step, any step, even if it is outside your comfort zone. We are being asked to accept things, feelings, ideas that our mind cannot grasp in a rational, “normal” way. We are being asked to give and receive in ways that we never thought possible. We are expanding into the “new.” Expanding into the future… that we are co-creating. We are being asked to “Trust” in the “New,” in our visions, in our psychic, in our spiritual gifts, and in all the many ways we are now receiving knowledge. We need to get out of our minds…..to stop trying to identify and annualized what is happening or going on around us. It is a time to be still and just listen. Neptune in the Grand Water Trine has the ability to shift the collective into an expanded view of reality and a whole new belief system. Neptune rules Pisces, there for accenting the Neptunian/Pisces energy and guiding us in a Spiritual and artistic renaissance. With Neptune being retrograde during this Grand Water Trine we will be internalizing and reflecting on our connection with Source, our high spirituality, our divinely inspired creativity, our dreams, and our unconditional Love connection with all. Listen to your dreams and find the messages hidden within, as they are there to help you create your future. There can be an understanding of the world around you in a nonlinear way, as you feel the connection with the whole, and your own Spirituality. Neptune can also help to dissolve the illusion of separation from Source, and help us feel the love of being connected…bringing you the feeling of “Bliss.” With Neptune in Pisces in this Grand Water Trine it is giving all of humanity an “upgrade” in their natural intuition. Many of those not “awake” yet, will begin to awaken with these seeds that are being planted by this Grand Water Trine with the outer planets. Those of us that are awake may find ourselves becoming even more sensitive and spiritual in new ways. The Universe is giving all of humanity a spiritual booster shot..…. moving more of the collective into the “new.” This Grand Water Trine also includes Mercury and Mars as they have moved into conjunction (sitting with) Jupiter. All of them in Cancer. Mercury is our voice and communication, Mercury is asking us to share our knowledge with others on how to nurture and heal not only ourselves but also our planet….by coming from the Heart. With Mercury in Cancer in this Grand Trine, the Universe is also saying that we need to transform and change the way we communicate….we need to bring in more nurturing, caring and love…we need to think with our hearts! We need to communicate from the Heart! We are all one. Mars is our pioneer energy, our crusader, the warrior. Mars in cancer being part of this Grand Water Trine, we are looking at the Spiritual Pioneer, the Spiritual warrior, the Spiritual crusader. Giving us courage and confidence to start something new, stand in our truth, and get it out to the people. Jupiter (with Mercury and Mars) in this Grand Water Trine, has also moved into form a Cardinal T-Square with Pluto and Uranus. In other words, Jupiter (with Mercury and Mars) are opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus… increasing the energy of the Cardinal (change, birthing of New, and Urgency) Square. With this Cardinal T-Square, watch what you say and how you say it, as it could come out in ways that can hurt others or even be aggressive. Listen to your inner guidance during this time, and ask that you connect with your intuitive side and that you speak from your Heart. It can also be a time of sudden insights and new ideas…..so channel the energies of this Cardinal T-Square into welcoming the higher knowledge from all realms, and sharing it in the most nurturing and loving way with all!! Uranus turning retrograde during this event also accents the energy of this Grand Water Trine and the Cardinal T-Square saying that it is time to internalize and go inward. Uranus is about humanity, change, and thinking outside the box. With Uranus going retrograde it is a time to go inward, as most of the “out there” usually has its roots deep inside us and we need to be going “inside” to discover them. Meditate on them so we can make the changes we need to make for the good of all humanity. So Jupiter is the corner post connecting the Grand Water Trine and the Cardinal T-Square. Jupiter is also sitting on the star Sirius! Historical links to Sirius were found in ancient cultures around the world. This brings us another connection to the ancient star systems, activating our DNA from ancient times when we freely communicated with the Star Systems. Again the Universe is accenting the ancient star systems with this very powerful Grand Water Trine and Cardinal T-Square, saying that it is time to start communicating with the Sirius energy within us and also with the star itself. With Mercury and Mars also on Sirius, we are being asked to talk about and share information about the ancient star systems. It is time to find the courage to be open and talk about the importance of this information…. in the past and their importance today. This Grand Water Trine is speaking loudly about the Heart!! The energy right now is very watery….. Water represents intuitiveness…healing…. spirituality…love….creativity …gentleness. This Grand Water Trine is speaking loudly about coming from the Heart!! The Heart… becoming the new brain. Think with the Heart……see with the Heart….municate with the Heart! The Universe is speaking loudly with This Grand Water Trine. Coming from the Heart is where we need to be as we continue moving forward into the “New.” Co-Creating the “New” by coming from the Heart!!! Watery Heart energy is the major theme now for the whole summer. It is time to become one with it…..pushing it away will not work now. Remember your brain in no longer the leader.….the Heart is. It is really important now to respond in all areas with the wisdom of your Heart! This Grand Water Trine is moving is rapidly into the “New”! It is time to let yourself feel your emotions, it is time to listen and heal your body. We have been through some very powerful energies since the last week of April till now. It is time to meditate on all the things that have come into your consciousness since then, as seeds were planted and will continue to surface and grow over the next several months, especially with the watering of these energies in the Grand Water Trine connected to the Cardinal T-Square! Meditate to understand what has been planet and which direction to move. Are there areas that you need to distance from, because they are not vibrating where you are vibrating at this time? Tune in to your psychic, connect with your guidance, and watch your Spiritually flourish. It is a wonderful time to Manifest your desires. All together these energies are very powerful and the ability to create is expanded!! Meditate on all the energies and knowledge you are receiving….ask your guidance for direction….sit alone and Listen!!! Follow your emotions, your intuition, and your guidance….all of which will continue to grow within you as we experience this summer’s Grand Water Trine. Life is about Heart choices…your heart knows what is good for you in all types of relationships. The more you are in your Heart and come from your Heart the smoother and faster your evolution and transition into the “new” will be. The “new” is about oneness in community, it is about coming from the heart in all areas, especially where others are concerned. This is the road we must take on the journey to oneness! These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. Learn how they activate your chart through an Astrological Reading. Knowing how they are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make choices, and use the energies in the highest way. Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2013 Cathy Lindsey All rights reserved. facebook/AstroEyesEvolutionaryAstrology
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 07:26:08 +0000

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