JUST BEFORE YOU CLOSE THAT DOOR; LORD PLS GRANT ME THE SPIRIT OF ENDURANCE Anna whats going on with you? Youre my wife for Christ sake! Instead of you acting like one, youre making me feel miserable. This is not how its meant to be Alfred tried hard to swallow the ball of anger stuck inside his throat. But it was too big. He hates it when he feels bitter towards his wife. He loved her so much. He has given all his best to make her happy. But she still feels empty. His best wasnt good enough. He begs her every moment to tell him how or what to do to satisfy her. Nothing, shell always say. The love between them is dying on her side. Alfred is now carrying the touch for her. what I do and how I do it has seized to be your business if youve not realized. I dont owe you any explanation. Theres absolutely nothing between us Anna ensured it sank into Alfreds head with a hard stair. Damn it woman! Im your husband and youre answerable to me! Alfred roared out his vexation. Not any more Alfred she said wryly. What exactly are you putting across to me by that statement? he asked cant you see Alfred. The candle has burn out. The marriage is tasteless. It makes me puke. Living with you has turned ugly. I want out. I arranged this today with my attorney. Your signature will give me the ticket I sought she tossed Alfred the divorce papers. A stunned pale look captured his face. His world torn apart the minute he saw the papers. The next minute it shattered into bits. Tears converged in his eyes and solidified. He can feel it ache his sockets. He looks at the paper without touching it and said calmly. Anna I love you. I still do. You dont have to do this to me. Ive been there for you. What have I done wrong? Or is there something I’m not doing well enough? Tell what it is. Ill do it and more he said almost slurring his words. He felt his heart adjusting to his belly. Ive lost the passion Alfred. Ive found it with someone new. I cant continue to be your wife when I feel nothing for you any more. Not even a fig. I feel like a stranger here. I dont even know you any longer Alfred. If I ever belonged to you I dont recall. Maybe it was in your nightmares if you believed I was yours. I need you to sign the papers now She fired strongly. I cant sign it. No way. I still need you Anna. Youre my life, my only hope. If you leave me my days on earth will be torments. Please give me a chance to put things straight. Please. Just a little chance to bring back the sparks. I beseech you he moved closer to Anna with an effort to hold her. She shoved him away. Spare me those sentiments. You look too old, weak and ugly when wear such a sober face. It doesnt touch my soft side. Quit eliciting for my compassion. You wont get a tiny pity from me. Im sticking to my decision. You can climb mountain Everest if you choose too. You cant escape this one. Im getting what I want. Sign these papers. I dont have all day! she fought him. Okay, its okay. I will sign the papers. But give me some time please. At least to put things in order for myself he begged. How long? she asked him with an irritated face. 12 months please okay thats fair enough. Youve 2,592,000 seconds to sign the papers. That is exactly one month. Youre time starts reading now she ended, picked her bag and proceeded to the door. Its 12 midnight. Where are you going to? Alfred asked with a curious sad face. Ill be spending the night with Ben She replied him with a smile. Who’s Ben? My fiance. Im getting married in a month’s time. Exactly the day after youve signed the divorce papers. Get the picture? Alfred stood like a pillar watching her slam the door against his face. He felt like a child who has lost his way. Like a cold shivering chick drenched in the rain, calling out for the mother hen. He wept bitterly. I gave my all. Did better than my best. Still it wasnt good enough. Please God I dont want to lose my wife, please help me figure out how to make it right. Ive one month what can I do to change her mind? he prayed silently. Anna returned home five days later. He opened the door and saw a big gift beautifully wrapped. She look around the house and saw her picture almost every where with a love note written on it. He opened the gift and saw new cloths. Alfred walked in at that moment. Ive changed you wardrobe my baby he said to her with a delicious sweet smile. I noticed. You do it every year. So...? she said without any sense of gratitude. I made your favorite meal too and have your favorite wine ready. This evening Ill be your chef. Baby just let me treat you into a warm happy feeling. Please. Allow me take care of my girl for me he concluded and rushed to sweep her off the ground into his fluffy arms. He refused him. thank you for your chivalrous gestures. You do that almost everyday. Im obviously sick of it. Its boring. Youve lost your touch on such things. Nothing you do interest me any more. You cant eat your tasteless meal. My fiance already served me my favorite. He exposed your poor cooking ability. And for the new clothes. Youve a kind heart. Give them away to some beggars on the street. I dont need them she completed, pushed Alfred out of her path. Alfred couldnt get a word in edgeways. He felt miserable and disappointed in himself. He couldve tried a different surprise. But he has loved her in every romantic means, and practically showed it in a million ways. Theres nothing new he can do. He has done it all. Anna returned ten days later and found a new car packed in the garage. A pink car customized with her name. Pink is her favorite colour. She ignored it and continued to the house. She got to the door, opened it and saw lots of rose flowers carefully place and trailed to a beautiful pink dress designed with diamonds. She could see it glittering radiantly. She walked on the red roses. Stood next to the beautiful dress and I admired it with a smile. Alfred noticed her smiling and made an effort to step in but he was interrupted by his phones message tone. An sms set his phone ringing. The phone was on the table close to Anna. The message tone was a song by Celine Dion-THINK TWICE. The song was filtering into the room. Anna listened and felt a little uneasy. It was talking to her. Singing all her actions and new decisions. The lyrics stabs really deep. The song puffed out sounds of tortures that cause Alfred painful tears. He jumped out of his hideout. Anna I dont know what else to say or do. I just want us to try again. Ill do anything you want. Please dont leave me. Youre my peace of mind. The strength my soul relies on. Without you Ill become fragments of emptiness. Youre my life source. My elixir. Dont abandon me when all I desire is you. I accept, Ive not been playing my cards right. But this time, Ill inspire you with surprises, affections and more. Im ready to go that extra mile to love you even better. Dont divorce me. Please, lets go back to the beginning he said all these with a heavy heart. He is at point of dropping dead. He begged like a beggar. Anna looked at him for a moment with folded lips and said try the movies and make more money for yourself. Stop wasting your talent on me. How else will I explain it to your thick skull numbskull? Youre broad-minded. Why are you acting like youre shallow-minded. I dont feel the love any more. The fire has quenched. The sparks didnt even reduce to an ember. Its dead, utterly. It has gone extinct. It cant return to extant. Quit mimicking Jim Iyke. Quit all your follies and occupy yourself with something productive. Youve exactly 15days to sign the divorce papers! she finished and dashed to her room without waiting for Alfreds next statement. Theyve been sleeping in different rooms as insisted by Anna. That night Alfred sneaked to her room. He watched her all night while she was sleeping. Most times, she would smile and whisper Bens name in her sleep. After that, she would frown and yell Alfred sign the papers now. I need to escape from this hell while asleep. Alfred rained tears hearing all of these. On the 29th day, Anna left the house in the morning and told him to make ready the divorce paper. Later in the evening on the 30th Alfred sat next to the divorce papers. He protected it from his tears. When you truly love someone you must let them go if they refuse to stay he thought. She has found happiness with Ben. The happiness she couldnt find with him. He must let go. As he was about to sign it a call came through his cell phone. hello, this is Alfred whom do I owe the pleasure? he asked the caller as he wiped his tears.Im doctor Chris. Your wife is admitted in our hospital. Its an emergency situation. You must rush down to the hospital now to save her life his heart drummed irregularly. He was consumed with confusion. He got the address and name of the hospital and run off. He got to the hospital in time. Went straight to see the doctor before Anna as instructed by the receptionist. The doctor quickly explained that his wife had a fatal accident and her kidneys are terribly damaged. Shes on the verge of dying. She needs a kidney transplant almost now to survive. Alfred paid for everything and did all that the doctor asked of him. He begged the doctor to do whatever he can to save her. The doctor assured him that shell be fine. He went to see Anna. He found a man sitting next her. He must be Ben he assumed. He signed the divorce papers and gave it to him. Im living town today. Ive paid for a new kidney transplant. Take good care of Anna for me. Ill not be coming back he said and walked away without waiting for him to say a word. Few months later, Anna and Ben were standing at the alter to seal their union. Is there any person or persons who have a reason or reasons why this two should not be joined together should speak or forever remain silent The pastor asked and waited for a few minutes. Just as always theres no one. He proceeded to joined them together. by the power vested on me i hereby pronounce this two husband and... Stop! a manly voice rung from the audience. The man stood up. It was Alfreds brother. Anna was stunned and shocked. And was anxiously wandering what he is up to. Introduce yourself and tell us why youve to interrupt me the pastor said to him. I am the brother to the brides ex-husband. I apologize for this disruption. Im not against the union between the couples. I just want to ask the bride few questions before you joined them together she turned to Anna and continued. Where’s Alfred your ex-husband? he asked Anna. I dont know, he signed the divorce papers and left town. Ive not heard from him since then. At least to thank him for the kidney he paid for me he answered him brilliantly. Alfreds brother continued as tears rolled down his face. He paid a bigger price for you. Alfred died the day you had a kidney transplant. In the same hospital. Youre living my brothers life. Breathing his air. Occupying his space on earth while he is occupying your place in the grave. Alfred donated his only potent kidney to you. He has previously donated one to our father. You are aware of this. Alfred loved you with an eternal affection that burns bright everyday. He did everything he can to keep you from living him. He worshipped you like a goddess. You know you were his everything. He died so that you can live again. You have never been grateful to him for his lovely heart. You had that accident on your way to your lovers house. Still, Alfred signed the divorce paper and gave his life for you. He kept it from you. So you could get married and be happy without guilt. Even in grave he worked for your happiness. And you didnt for once show concern. I couldnt keep this away from you anymore as he made me promise him. Ive to tell you. The man standing next to you got to the hospital before Alfred. He didnt to save you. Alfred did. How do you feel marrying another man with his life? Living his dreams with you in the house of another man? Just how do you feel? Alfred finished and sat down. Anna took off from the alter. Everybody watched her as she ran away. Ben has been overwhelmed by his feelings of guilt and shame. He didnt move a muscle to hold her. Anna ran into the busy major highway and a vehicle knocked her over. It damaged her kidney more terrible this time. She died at the spot. Celine Dion sings... Dont say what youre about to say. Look back before you live that life. Be sure before you closed that door. Before you run, just stop and think twice. Cos you may never know, it could be the last time youd hold that doors handle.#stolen but cant just kip reading all over again#happy new week peeps
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 06:25:01 +0000

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