JUST GOOGLE LYME MS...I COPIED THESE RESEARCH ABSTRACTS. JB owndoc/uploads/pdf_s6.gif \d001 (Norway): Association between Multiple sclerosis and Cystic Structures in Cerebrospinal Fluid. Infect 29:315 Synopsis: Borrelia cysts were found in all ten out of ten patients diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. No bacteria were found in a control group. The most modern methods such as a transmission electron microscope were used by a specialist in this narrow field – this may explain why a 100% infection rate was found by Brorson, as opposed to lower rates in other research. The cysts turned into spirochetal bacteria when cultured. Remarks that the bacterial infection theory of MS was abandoned because antibiotics did not help. Remarks that Borrelia bacteria have mechanisms to evade the immune system and survive antibiotics, and offers research evidence for that. Concludes that all ten MS patients have been infected with a spirochete. Dismisses the common criticism that “all those MS patients were also infected with an unrelated Lyme disease” by pointing out how unlikely that is, especially seen the ample research evidence for a spirochetal cause of MS. Concludes that MS could very well be a chronic infection. Points out that there is microbiological and clinical evidence that spirochetal bacteria could be the cause of MS. Notes that the spirochetes may not necessarily be of the genus Borrelia burgdorferi. The chance that 100% of MS patients would also have Lyme neuroborreliosis is astronomically small – about one in 1000^10, a smaller chance to find a speck of dust lost in the Universe. Epidemiologically speaking, Brorson’s findings are near-absolute proof that MS is caused by spirochetal bacteria. INCLUDEPICTURE owndoc/uploads/pdf_s6.gif \d2004 (Switzerland): Chronic Lyme borreliosis at the root of Multiple sclerosis – is a cure with antibiotics attainable? Synopsis: Notes that worldwide, MS prevalence parallels the distribution of the Lyme disease pathogen Borrelia burgdorferi, and in America and Europe, the birth excesses of those individuals who later in life develop MS, exactly mirror the seasonal distributions of Borrelia transmitting Ixodes ticks. No other disease exhibits equally marked epidemiological clusters by season and locality. Cites research whereby spirochetes were found in the brains of MS patients as early as 1928, and that in over 250 control cases of diversified diseases there never were spirochetes found. Notes that this research has been successfully replicated decades later by different scientists. Points out that a considerable body of clinical evidence supports the concept that cystic L-forms of Borrelia Burgdorferi may cause MS. Dismisses skepticism towards this concept with science-based arguments. Dismisses the hypothesis of genetic origin of MS using scientific research data. Includes graphs showing a direct correlation between the number of MS patients and the number of ticks transmitting Lyme disease. Dismisses the “environmental toxin” hypothesis of MS using scientific research data. Explains how Borrelia could cause all MS symptoms. Recommends trials with antibiotics for MS patients. INCLUDEPICTURE owndoc/uploads/pdf_s6.gif \d2009 (Romania): Controversies in late Neuroborreliosis and Multiple sclerosis – case series Synopsis: Found a significant percentage of people diagnosed with MS in fact having neuro-Lyme. Concludes that it is probable that MS is caused by an infectious agent and recommends testing MS patients for Lyme disease. Bacteria are the cause of Alzheimer’s as well So much more could be written about this subject. Such as the fact that spinal cord lesions together with a lesion in the cerebellum or brainstem is very rare in neurological diseases and almost exclusively occurs in only MS and Lyme disease. There is a lot of hard evidence that Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, CFS, Lupus, Crohn’s ME, Pick’s disease (FTD, Frontotemporal dementia), Alzheimers’ disease and ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) are also caused by spirochetal bacteria. 14 out of 16 deceased Alzheimer’s patients had HYPERLINK ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11929559?ordinalpos=10&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSumliving Treponema spirochetes in their brain. Please people – it is not normal to have bacteria in your brain! The only result can be brain damage of a type and pace commensurate with the type of bacterium and the state of your immune system and personal genetics. Countless millions of people dying the most horrific slow deaths due to infections that are near-impossible to detect with currently employed diagnostic methods, but certainly treatable in the sense that further deterioration can usually be stopped and often even reversed in clinical trials and anecdotal evidence: INCLUDEPICTURE owndoc/uploads/pdf_s6.gif \d (Patients with ALS and MS improved on antibiotics) These graphs show a worldwide, strong, direct connection between the number of ticks transmitting Lyme disease and the birth excess of MS patients. The evidence is everywhere and we should demand proper treatment for MS: Antibiotics. The Swiss study has a geographical map with MS prevalence that explains why for example the Sami and the Inuit don’t get MS: It’s too cold for ticks in Lapland. But Big Pharma keeps searching for a “genetic” or “auto-immune” cause.. INCLUDEPICTURE owndoc/uploads/ms-borrelia-graph11.png \d INCLUDEPICTURE owndoc/uploads/ms-borrelia-graph2.png \d In the heydays of medical and general scientific research, anyone with enough money, time and skill could test a postulation in their own lab. You only fully realize how dependent we are on Big Pharma to do our research for us when faced with the fact that it is a criminal offence to culture bacteria without a license (“Terrorist bioweapon production”). And it’s a criminal offence to sell antibiotics without a license. And it’s a criminal offence for a pharmacy to sell anyone with antibiotics without a prescription. And it’s a criminal offence to smuggle antibiotics into a country. And it’s a criminal offence to give medical advice without a license. Even though it’s a fact that antibiotic resistance emerged due to under-use, not over-use, of antibiotics. Tuberculosis is an example of that. Doctors don’t understand microbiology and antibiotics are too extortionally expensive to be used long enough to cure many infections. They merely entrench into the CNS where they emerge as serious syndromes, years later. In short: It is a criminal offence for any non-MD to find the cure for MS. And MD’s who try will be sued for “malpractice” – “over-prescribing of antibiotics”.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 01:48:36 +0000

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