JUST WANT TO REMIND EVERYONE THERE IS ALWAYS A PLACE TO TURN. This is for all the Actors out there. The rest of you go grab a coffee, well talk later. Actors, actresses, what we do is hard. We challenge ourselves every day to feel our deepest pains. We delve into sorrows that most would be happy to forget, to cover up and never look upon. We tear the bandaids off our soul and then walk the streets exposed, almost naked. So how can we cope with that. Remember when exploring your lowest lows this makes your highest highs brighter and richer. Join a community of like minded actors. A Class (I know a great one) or a theater company. And use that community. Talk to your fellow actors about your pain and concern. Share your life dont bottle it in. Have mentors. You can always talk to me about the pain you are going through. Trust me, Ive been an actor for thirty five years. Ive been there, Ive felt the frustration and the angst. You are not alone. Turn to your classmates. Its simple, ask the question, Hey, what are you doing Saturday or want to grab coffee? We as actors, have to police ourselves. You see someone falling into themselves. Talk to them. Support them. Thats 60% of what acting class is about. Elaine Aiken saved my life, Susan Batson saved my life, Susan Grace Cohen saved my life. Im tired of seeing great talents tormented. I reach out my hand. You can do it too. We are a community. We are lifers in this field. If we dont support each other, NO ONE WILL. If you cant afford class. Lets talk. I will help. But do not separate yourself, do not turn to artificial means to feel better. STAY HEALTHY, STAY LOVED.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 07:55:13 +0000

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