Jade with Horse & 3 Eye DZI Gemstone Bracelet For Sale @ BD15. - TopicsExpress


Jade with Horse & 3 Eye DZI Gemstone Bracelet For Sale @ BD15. Free delivery within Bahrain. 2014 is the year of the Green Wood Horse. The 3-Eyed dzi is said to be the manifestation of the expression of the Hindu wealth god, the ”Kubera”. He originates from the Himalayas, but is worshiped by other Buddhists as well from around the world. In Tibet, he is known as “Jambala”. Two eyes represent his eyes and the other one is his mouth. Having performed austerities for a thousand years, in regard for which Brahma asked him to safeguard and distribute evenly the treasures of the earth by karmic rewards. Enables one to connect to all 3 key components i.e. Body, Mind & Heart. Achieve good health, happiness & wealth. Among the dzi culture, the 3-Eyed Dzi is regarded as the unofficial “wealth” . This dzi is believed to still possess the power to make conditions favorable, for which the owner enjoys general fortune, not only in terms of wealth, but also great happiness and prosperity. It will enhance its owners ability to accumulate wealth by crystallizing money-making opportunities for him. It represents the three stars of luck including longevity with health and continuous fortune. Green Jade is an abundance stone, representing the flow of Divine energy into the reality of ones life. It brings harmony and happiness in business and family relationships, as well material abundance. Green Jade is a crystal of love. It is supportive of new love, and increases trustworthiness and fidelity. It also inspires love later in life. Green Jade balances and harmonizes the Heart Chakra, aiding in both emotional and physical well-being. The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment. When the heart chakra is out of balance you may feel either controlling or controlled in a relationship, and become critical of the little foibles of others. You may well find yourself having inappropriately strong emotional responses to everyday external stimuli. Green crystal energy is used to resolve blockages and to re-balance the heart chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes. Jade is very compatible with body qi energy and it is traditional to wear jade for health and healing. It is most valued for its metaphysical properties. It is the ultimate Dream Stone, revered in ancient cultures, as well as today, to access the spiritual world, gain insight into ritualistic knowledge, encourage creativity, and dream-solve. It is cherished as a protective talisman, assuring long life and a peaceful death, and is considered a powerful healing stone. An amulet of good luck and friendship, Jade signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility, dispelling the negative and encouraging one to see oneself as they really are. Jade is a powerful cleansing stone, enhancing the bodys filtration and elimination organs. It is excellent for treating the kidneys, spleen and supra-adrenal glands, removing toxins and balancing the fluids and water-salt/acid-alkaline ratios in the body. Jade relinquishes self-imposed limitations and assists in cherishing ones ideals and desires, facilitating the ambition and building of those thoughts into physical reality. Jade provides confidence and self-assuredness, self-reliance and self-sufficiency.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 04:37:54 +0000

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