Jane Moore Stacie Jane Ann Farr Kirstie Kirsty-ann Heath Carol Man - TopicsExpress


Jane Moore Stacie Jane Ann Farr Kirstie Kirsty-ann Heath Carol Man Utd Bevin Anita Moran Chris Hodge Chrissie Randall Gem N Chris Blackmore-Cattran Colleen Evans Angee Turnbull Heather Pearson Kim Pennock Kim Monery April Lewis Martina Kaut Jean Saunders Bridie Breen Tony Hall Caron Sprake Dawn Smith Hilary Cragg Jennifer Mullin and all other wonderful PA ambassadors, please share with all PA Ambassadoors To all Purple Angel Ambassadoors, please share and post to each other Hiya guys, after having a great couple of weeks away unfortunately it seems we have come back to a little unrest, its nothing that cant be sorted, we are all grown ups after all, thing is, some ambassadors believe its becoming a little too political on the ambassadors page, they feel a little uncomfortable visiting the page and this is the last thing any of us want, or need, especially as we all have this awful disease to deal with in some way or another as well. . As you know, i cannot post on here for the next two weeks but i am hoping you lot of the kindest people i know will post this so all can read. The fact is, when Jane Moore and i set this up, the CORE of the message was to KEEP IT SIMPLE at at no or little cost to yourselves or anybody else. We always stated, and still do, that the Purple Angel dementia awareness campaign will be free to all, and always will be. You only have to look at what YOU HAVE ALL achieved in the last couple of years, the progress you have ALL made and the changes you have made to peoples lives, even if you dont know it, thats what you have done!! And so to the nitty gritty. Sometimes people fall out, thats a fact of life and we have to deal with it, it happens and so the world turns. As you know a short while ago we changed our website from Purple angel .org to purpleangel-global/index.html because a couple of us, myself included could not agree on a couple of things, and as much as we tried, and we did, we couldnt resolve it so it was time to move on for the sake of the awareness campaign, this is what we have done, moved on and its all behind us now, or so i thought. We added the World Global to the new website just because thats what we now are!! WE have PA ambassadors all over the world and in many different countries, so what else would we call it?? And yet that still did not please all, but you cant please all in this world, it cant happen, i only wish it could. So here we are and here we will stay, growing forever stronger, some worried when Ostrich care went their own way but Jane and i stood strong and we now have more ambassadors than ever. We have ambassadors doing what we set out to do two years ago, raising their own funding, getting their own teams together, building bridges and working for the good of all touched by this awful disease. the dream we had two years ago is now becoming a reality and its all thanks to you guys. Yes we have had our ups and down and GOD KNOWS Jane and i have had our critics!! If you all knew just a TENTH of the abuse we have received in the last two years from other organisations and people it would make you lose your hair!!LOLL But that was for us to worry about and not you. We are not now, never have been, and never will be, in competition with anybody else, this is not a competition, this is real life we are dealing with and real people. Yes we do things differently to others, but thats what makes us so unique, and the ONE thing thats STANDS US APART from others is we dont rely or expect others to do it for us, we get out there, face to face with shopkeepers and businesses and talk to them in real time ! So come on guys, no one should be looking over their shoulder and worrying about what others think, we need to support each other and help each other out, at every meeting i chair i always start with Please leave your politics at the front Door, and pick them up on the way out!! There is no room for Politics where dementia is concerned!!! All our main objective is to make things better for those with dementia and their carers. So much love to you all and thank you from the bottom of our heart for all you do, Elaine, Jane moore and myself xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So good to be back LOLL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 16:45:13 +0000

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