Japan fears, described veterans of war … soon Korea and other - TopicsExpress


Japan fears, described veterans of war … soon Korea and other countries 亞 Driver input for the 2014. 12. 02 10:48 Zero. - sustainable U.S. dollar gain Fed will likely slow speed over a period ... [edaily jangsunwon press tinder of starched of money in another currency wars in Japan can be pointed out that it came out. Live off the game, and rightfully so bloody situation that has no means of China or Japans policy in our country, Europe is intensifying, to bring its currency value by stimulating, it means that it will be. In the midst of these stress alone of my ‘ ’ the dollar that seems paradoxical as a US interest rates over a period is projected to slow down. NYUs Nouriel Roubini, professor Dr. Doom Nouriel Roubini Professor Miller, a New York University, 1 (local time) on Project Syndicate recently in an article contributed to the Bank of Japan of The decision of the new currency wars) (bojThis act will be a signal so claimed. Boj 60 to 70 trillion dollars last year at the end of October in scale asset purchases, the size of 80 trillion yen, and no further stimulus to expand. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe after a higher consumption taxes is due next year decided to slow the timing of the year and a half. The professor, described boj, beggar-thy-neighbor policies to make a beggars policy is virtually next-door neighbor countries including Asia for the backlash from China and Korea, and there are no choice but to get. Taiwan, Singapore, Japan has already felt threatened by another, ready to start the easing pointed out. Subsequently, the European Central Bank (ecb), similarly predicted to plunge into the currency wars, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and a similar mood. In particular, private or government have a meaning to go on monetary policy to reduce debt Another exchange rate is that there is no option other than to stimulus measures that promote war material. An imbalance that appeared in global debt restructuring process and pushing the economy into deflation in a situation in which a slowdown in the currency that only one way detract fromThing In this situation, professor, described problems of U.S. monetary policymakers that not only will be dealt a judgment of the US Federal Reserve (Fed) will raise the benchmark interest rate next year means · fedThe dollar has to come and give the signal.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 02:23:05 +0000

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