Jesus, Father, Holy one, Redeemer, Advocate, Friend and Beloved - TopicsExpress


Jesus, Father, Holy one, Redeemer, Advocate, Friend and Beloved How beautiful You are dearest Father, who became flesh and walked among us, so our eyes could behold the love of God for us...The Great I AM who became a servant to all....The one who spoke the world into existence loved us so much that He became the lamb of God that took the sin of the world....How beautiful Your hands that served.....the ones with nail prints for our sin....How beautiful the feet that carried the good news....God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whoever believes in Him will NOT perish but have everlasting life....How beautiful the back that took the stripes to heal our broken hearts and bodies...How beautiful the head that wore a crown of thorns....the KING of all KINGS ....How beautiful the heart that was pierced and blood and water flowed...broken and spilled out all for us...How beautiful the one who knew no sin took on our sin and bore our shame so we could have honor and right standing with God always and forever....Tonight we remember Your sacrifice all out of love....Tonight we remember how you were crushed so we could have perfect peace and rest... No greater love hath anyone then this....that a man lay down his life for his friend.....I call you not servants....but I call you My friends for I make ALL THINGS known to you...(John 15) Thank You for Your sacrifice, thank you for perfect love that cast out our fears, thank you for becoming a servant and showing us the heart of God for us....Thank You that our robes our white because of Your blood...Thank You Jesus for Redeeming us from the slavery of sin.....for giving us a NEW name, for being the GOOD SHEPHERD that will go after the one and bring them back home...For being Faithful and True .....Your mercy and love is everlasting......and our hearts become overwhelmed in Your presence......Thank You Beloved Papa....Thank You........amen and amen.....To Your name every knee will bow
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 01:48:50 +0000

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