Jesus has separated me out. He will do the same for you if you - TopicsExpress


Jesus has separated me out. He will do the same for you if you stand up for righteousness. I am reminded recently of a former coworker/friend who called us to do her daughters wedding. When we got there we were asked not to pray, not to mention Jesus and not to mention any scripture. Nevertheless, my husband explained that we came representing God and could only perform the ceremony recognizing His Lordship. We left very heavy hearted but not willing to compromise. I have never heard from that so-called friend since and she removed me from FB. I had to ask why would someone be so adamantly against God? It was so incredibly sad, then I was reminded that in Luke 12:51 Jesus said do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you but divisions. We cannot afford to be politically or socially correct. We cannot afford to adapt to people and their wants when it goes against the word of God. That was a tough decision for my husband that day. We had driven a long ways and they called and ask us at the last minute so we rearranged our schedules quite a bit. We had incurred some extra expense in gas and food just to get there and be told that they didnt want us to do the service. But in all that I learned some tough lessons.... First of all,not everyone is your friend. Some people will only be your friend as long as you do what they want. Second of all, in ministry, there are tough decisions that have to be made sometimes. Ultimately, we only answer to God. Lastly, this world and this upcoming generation is lost!! Totally lost! God is counting on his people to take a stand for righteousness. Spreak truth, even if it means losing a few so-called friends. That is why Jesus said you better count the cost before you become my disciple. What has your relationship with Jesus cost you lately? Let the church arise!!!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:00:37 +0000

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