Jesus taught us that the spiritual kingdom measures greatness - TopicsExpress


Jesus taught us that the spiritual kingdom measures greatness differently than the current world system. Kenneth S. Wuest comments on todays scripture in Wuests Word Studies in the Greek New Testament, It was pomp and circumstance, privilege and power, position and authority in the Gentile world, which was esteemed great, and the greatness of the individual came from his place in the system. But in the kingdom of God, the greatness of the individual comes from the lowly place he takes as a servant of all. Even the resplendent beauty of the Son of Man came from the fact, that He as Very God of Very God, became incarnate in human flesh and a servant to mankind. What a check this gently given teaching must have put upon the personal ambitions of the disciples. What a check this teaching must put on us? Have a blessed day - 3N4G
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 11:06:30 +0000

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