Jim Rohn吉米隆恩-生命的四季 Winter is the season for - TopicsExpress


Jim Rohn吉米隆恩-生命的四季 Winter is the season for training, education and preparation In the winter, farmers attend conferences and events to learn about new and innovative farming techniques. We should think of winter as a time of preparation. It’s a season to increase our training and acquire tools and strategies for success. Winter is an opportunity to gain knowledge and wisdom, to prepare so we can plan our best, brightest harvest. “冬”是培訓、學習與準備的季節 在冬天,農夫會參加會議和訓練,學習務農最新的技術。冬是為春天作好準備的季節。我們要在這季節為未來的成功增加訓練、增添工具及訂立策略。冬天是增長知識和智慧的機會。好好裝備自己以取得最好的收穫。 Spring is for action In spring, the conditions are right for growth, so farmers prepare the soil for planting. We have to remember that while spring inevitably follows winter, it’s a critical, finite opportunity. So positive, decisive action is of the utmost importance. “春”是行動的季節 在春天,外在環境已適合生長,因此農夫會為種植準備好土壤。我們必須耍銘記「冬去春來」是大自然的規律,不可能改變。這是一個關鍵卻有限的機會,積極正面的態度及果斷的行動是常重要。 Summer means nurturing the crops Summer isn’t a time for leisure. On the contrary: now that the planting has been done, the next step is protecting and nurturing the crops. It’s not enough to plant a seed and then forget about it; the crops must be actively caraed for if we want a harvest. “夏”是培育莊稼的季節 夏天並不是閒暇時節。相反,種子已經散播落土了,下一步就是要保護及培育莊稼。單是播種並不足夠,如果我們希望取得收成,必須主動去培養這顆種子。 Fall is when we reap the rewards We’ve done the groundwork. We prepared and trained in winter, taken lots of decisive, positive action in spring, and given attention to our crops all summer long. Now comes the harvest. If we’ve done the work during the other three seasons, we can expect rewards. “秋”是收成的季節 我們已經做好基礎了。我們在冬天裝備自己;在春天訂立目標、採取行動;在夏天用心培育莊稼。現在是收成的時候了,如果我們在過去的三個季節都有務實工作,當然會獲得預期的回報。
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 09:49:17 +0000

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