Johan Goldberg gets to the heart of the damage Barack Obama has - TopicsExpress


Johan Goldberg gets to the heart of the damage Barack Obama has done to America, and to the world at large, by both declaring, and then demonstrating, that WE -- the United States -- are no longer in charge. This has made EVERYWHERE extremely volatile and dangerous... This gets us to the heart of the damage Barack Obama has done. A superpower can cruise on perception for a very long time. Perception is relatively inexpensive. Sure, you gotta float some ships around. Yeah, you might have to run some military exercises. But as long as people think you’re sustaining a Pax Americana you are, in fact, sustaining a Pax Americana. But once you let that perception waver, you’re suddenly faced with a terrible set of choices. You can’t tell the world you’re still in charge, you have to show them. If you just talk about red lines and then do nothing to enforce them, further talk becomes worse than useless, it becomes provocative. If you opt to demonstrate your power, you risk failing and confirming weakness. You also risk a horrible escalation as the bad actors respond not with surrender but with even more testing. Does anyone think Putin would be the first to blink at this point if Obama sent troops to Ukraine? Obama could do everything right starting today (Stop laughing!) and in a sense it would still be too late. It’s always more expensive to put down a riot than to prevent it. And it’s not entirely clear to me that the American people are willing to pay that price right now. It’s much clearer that this president has no interest in asking them to. Its long, but its good... click through to read it all.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 14:23:23 +0000

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