John Forbes Heinz Kerry, born to diplomat Richard John Kerry and - TopicsExpress


John Forbes Heinz Kerry, born to diplomat Richard John Kerry and World War II nurse Rosemary Isabel Forbes. Rosemary was born in Paris, France to American parents. Through Rosemary, Secretary of State John is a first cousin once removed of French politician, Minister of the Environment, Brice Lalonde. Richards parents, businessman Frederick A. Fred Kerry and musician Ida Lowe, were immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian Empire(Hapsburg Monarchy). Fred was born as Fritz Kohn but he and Ida took on the anglo Kerry name to hide their Jewish roots before moving to the United States. Ida’s father James Grant Forbes II was a member of the infamous Forbes financial empire while her mother Margaret Tyndal Winthrop was a member of the insidious robber-baron Dudley–Winthrop family. Margarets paternal grandfather Robert Charles Winthrop served as the 22nd Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Roberts father was Governor Thomas Lindall Winthrop. Thomas father John Still Winthrop was a great-great-grandson of Massachusetts Bay Colony Governor John Winthrop and great-grandson of Governor Thomas Dudley. John Kerry was raised as a Catholic and as a child served as an altar boy. Although the extended family enjoyed a great fortune, Kerrys parents themselves maintained an upper-middle class front ; a wealthy great aunt paid for Kerry to attend elite schools in Europe and New England. He also attended St. Pauls boarding / prep school as a teenager in Concord, New Hampshire where he learned skills in public speaking and developed an interest in politics. In 1966 Kerry earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Yale University where he was ritually initiated into the Illuminati Eugenics Death-cult Order of Skull and Bones. He would later foster relationships with Anton LaVeys Church of Satan and Psychological Warfare Specialist US Army Lt. Colonel Michael Aquinos Temple of Set.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 01:03:10 +0000

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