Join Spirit World Medicine’s Spiritual events, reawakening our - TopicsExpress


Join Spirit World Medicine’s Spiritual events, reawakening our Oneness, uniting in our Divinity with the One Source of All, for the greater good of all who live here. With unconditional Love and the purest of Light, for Peace and Beauty for us all in our world, come to experience in these events, the opening of your heart and mind in safety, as we peacefully and joyfully re birth ourselves into heightened ways of being here in these exquisite re birthing times, of our sacred New Earth. As we heal our selves - we heal our planet. We change fear into love, isolation into connection, doubt into knowing, confusion into clarity, imbalance into wholeness, chaos into peace. It is time for humanity, to come together, and to Be the change that is needed in our world. Shelley Ruth Wyndham. Spirit World Medicine’s Monthly Events for 2015 ‘WAKE UP – IT’S A NEW WORLD’ 2015 and beyond. Learning How to Live and Thrive in an emerging, new world. One Year Course This is a year course, which is held on Saturday mornings commencing from February 2015, offering powerful, transformative Teachings throughout the year on Consciousness and how to handle the New Earth energies. The structure of the course is dynamic in nature with each month offering a specific module, dedicated to a specific Teaching and practice with shared skills, insights and techniques within each month. Through the year, the group can grow with new participants joining at the beginning of each new month going forward. With regards to participants having missed any previous month Teachings, these participants will need to wait for when those monthly Teaching sessions, are repeated at a later stage accordingly. With each month being dedicated to a specific Teaching, and all participants afforded the opportunity to practice and experience the new Teachings each week, everyone has the opportunity to fully embrace within themself what is required from all of humanity, to learn what it takes to be in this new paradigm and having the support in a group format helps individuals as we all are traversing the changes in all aspects of life. Learning about the frequencies we create and recognising the frequencies which we face in our life and how to transmute discordant energies is absolutely crucial to not only understand, it is fundamental to grasp how we are to not only cope in these powerfully changing times, it is essential to learn what we need to do and how we can learn to thrive in this completely new emerging way of living on our planet Earth. Nothing is the same any more. Know this. Earth is on a completely different timeline now, thanks to all Light servers from the beginning of time across the planet whose work was dedicated to unity consciousness, to love and peace and light and especially during the global Ceremonial work done between October 28th 2011 and to the completion of 21st December 2012 the Mayan prophesy which spoke about the shift in consciousness on Mother Earth. Today we all can feel life is different in every way. Nothing is the same any more. And everyone of us needs to learn how to be here and how vital it is to embrace self mastery in a whole new way going forward. As tough as it may seem, with change literally everywhere we turn, witnessed in all ways across our planet right now, it is important to remember that change is the one constant in life – change has always been and will continue to be part of life. As a Spiritual Teacher, I help guide and mentor those who seek my expertise, to learn to work with change in a constructive manner, to learn to work with it in a manner where we as humanity can harness greatness and can learn that it is absolutely possible to live in a peaceful state and it is essential to do so. In these times of accelerated change, it is important to find someone who can facilitate as a channel to Source energy and who has techniques, skills, methods and ways which can and do help to empower, to calm and to master self. For as long as I can remember, I have been committed and dedicated to work and help humanity to learn to embrace new ways. I am passionate about matters concerning fields of consciousness, I have a good understanding of energy, am interested in Quantum Physics and how learning the new science which embraces ancient Spiritual wisdoms helps us to learn to become more aware of frequencies and how we can personalise this knowledge in terms of our individual and collective thoughts and feelings, and how we impact everything around us all the time. I have dedicated since the year 2000 when I opened my private practice Spirit World Medicine, various processes which have respected the role and importance of mind – body principles in the healing work I offer. I am dedicated to help humanity to find ways of transmuting our negative behaviour to better serve the individuals themselves and the overall collective, our planet home and her life forms here. As a wolf, wildlife, animal and environmental advocate (activist), along with my love and studies in the ancient Spiritual Earth Teachings, no greater call is heard and this requires humanity’s full attention in how we choose to live here and in our role as the true guardians of this planet, and the Natural World which is an extension of our inner nature. Everything is connected. We really have to accept the need to wake up and to find the ways to harmonies ourselves and this world. We live in the most incredible times and it is my delight to be able to offer this phenomenal year Teaching to people interested in being part of the solution here on planet Earth where everyone matters and everyone is needed. Please let me know if you would like to join this process dedicated to the mastery of self, the awakening of enlightenment, and claiming of our full sovereignty, the embracing of a magnificent new way forward never before imagined possible! ‘WAKE UP – IT’S A NEW WORLD’ 2015 and beyond. Learning How to Live and Thrive in an emerging, new world. One Year Course DATE : Saturdays 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th February 2015 TIME : 10 am to 1 pm VENUE : In Noordhoek. INVESTMENT : R 1 000 paid at commencement of each month covering four Saturday sessions FACILITATOR : Created, Channelled and Directed by Shelley Ruth Wyndham email : mailto:shelley@spiritworldmedicine to book your space and venue details We personally welcome you to join us in this profound journey awakening our Unity and embracing the Peace, Love and Light of our co-created destiny. It begins with me. It begins with you. We are the keepers of Peace. Shelley Ruth Wyndham. We look forward to you joining Spirit World Medicines events. All our work is in alignment with the highest good for all concerned. In honour of our Creator Source, our sacred Mother Earth, and all life here, including our own. The time is NOW to stand up, to unify, to BE THE CHANGE THAT WE SEEK IN OUR WORLD! Gandhi Spirit World Medicine provides a variety of various authentically created beautiful, inspiring and uplifting Spiritual events. Each event offers a sacred, awakening, healing opportunity for individuals to embrace not only their personal healing process but to awaken themselves to the bigger picture - how our individual healing can change this world. Each participant is honoured and respected for participating in their chosen healing process; they are at all times, treated with respect and kindness; and each person attending is required to likewise respect the process for all others. In this way, as human beings, we create together, a sacred space in which each person feels safe and comfortable to allow the healings and awakenings within the hearts and minds of all attending, to be born into reality. As we heal our selves, we heal our world. Shelley Ruth Wyndham Spirit World Medicine continues in its dedication to offer Personal Support & Planetary Healing
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 09:00:45 +0000

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