Jon Weiss · Top Commenter Betty Sue I am NOT staunchly - TopicsExpress


Jon Weiss · Top Commenter Betty Sue I am NOT staunchly Republican. I am staunchly Conservative. Neither party has been a friend of the veteran. Obama has made a great show of allocating money to the VA, what he neglected to point out is that the bulk of that money never made it to assist a single veteran. The money went to pay bonuses to union based VA employees, some of whom are the ones that put veterans on interminable waiting lists to die waiting for treatment. Obama has a habit of throwing money at veterans issues but the money he tosses to the VA rarely gets tagged to go to actual veterans care, but more routinely to feed the unions and bureaucracy. How about we do this...instead of paying for massive amounts of bureaucracy, we follow the suggestion of a conservative talk show host, we eliminate the VA health care system and make Veterans health care the same as the ultra successful VA Home Loan program? We fire every bureaucrat at the VA and let veterans choose their own doctors in the civilian market, then have the VA guarantee the payments for service, just like the home loans system. This would be cheaper and ensure that every dollar spent would go directly to the doctor performing the service rather than some accountant who currently has the power to deny care based on cost and the cost influenced by the accountants expected bonus? Both sides have blocked veterans funding, and yes, a bill did fail by 56-41, (not all votes against were Republican, the bill failed, not because Republicans hate veterans, but because the Democrats loaded the bill with other pork and it would have added a massive amount to an already out of control Federal Debt, something about which Democrats seem to care very little. Having a pork filled bill then complaining because of its failure, is analogous to my handing you an ice cream cone, then revealing that it has a lump of horse shit at the bottom of the cone, then wondering why you wont eat it, after all it IS ice cream, isnt it? Yes, Bush had a plan and a timeline for ending the Iraq war, and Obama accelerated it and turned an orderly withdraw into a complete rout, and the Iraqis who were friendly to U.S. forces are paying the price for Obamas haste to score political points. The Iraq mess was, and is, Obamas mess. He campaigned for the job of POTUS and when he got elected EVERYTHING that came with the job became his, just as 9/11 became the property of Bush, even though Clinton emasculated the overseas Intel assets and allowed 9/11 to happen after Bush had been in office for only 8 months. Clinton was a master of leaving booby traps for Bush. Clinton left a final trap for Bush as he departed office. He signed the E.O. mandating a reduction of allowed levels of arsenic in our drinking water. Everyone applauded Clinton for this, even though the arsenic levels allowed in the water had been high and unchanged for the entire 8 years of Clinton, and the new levels were unattainable according to environmentalists. But Bush repealed the phony E.O. signed by Clinton and was roundly criticized for it, even though the E.O. mandated an action that could not be attained. The $2 trillion figure I cited is the one that is most often handed out by the media talking heads, and that was the low end of their claims, others say as high as $6 trillion, and these figures are attributed to Bush alone, and as the $2 trillion number gets debunked, the talking heads simply move the goal posts based on little more than their opinions. huffingtonpost/2013/03/14/iraq-war-cost-more-than-2-trillion_n_2875493.html I am happy you cited the war profiteers since this too is another fallacy of the left. One of the talking heads favorite points has long been that Halliburton is a war profiteering group and that Cheney is the mastermind behind the no bid contracts given to KBR (a Halliburton subsidiary), and that this too was begun under Bush. Yet, I served in the Army from 1976-1998, and during my time in uniform, I went on a couple of overseas trips, one to secure the elections in Haiti 1994-95, and again to clean up the mess in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1997-98, on both deployments ALL of our Base support Ops were handled by civilian contractors and all of their equipment was labeled Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), the very same Halliburton subsidiary, and this was before Bush was President and before Cheney had the authority to influence any no bid contracts. In fact, during the time period that there was a major shift... in support jobs typically done by soldiers, to the dreaded no bid contractors was under William J. Clinton with President, Al Gore as his VP and Defense Secretaries William J. Perry, Feb 94 - Jan 97 and William S. Cohen, Jan 97 - Jan 01. PBS can say what they like, but they cannot alter historical fact.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 23:07:26 +0000

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