Joyce Hall November 27 at 5:58pm Everyone please help us we are - TopicsExpress


Joyce Hall November 27 at 5:58pm Everyone please help us we are not a threat and we really need help. Kevai Floyds photo. Going RALLY AGAINST EL DORADO COUNTY SUPERVISORS Tuesday, December 2 at 9:00am... See More UnlikeUnlike · · Share You, Judy Ryland, Destiny Stayner, Karen Krause Bartholomew and 4 others like this. 54 of 57 View previous comments Carey Barber Montgomery Randy I really dont think the even know what a BOS is. November 27 at 6:56pm · Like · 2 Ashley Bertram The new members of the board will not be sworn in until after the new year..... November 27 at 8:08pm · Like · 2 Debbie Dennison-Peterson I know what this is about. I hope to go as well. The outgoing board wants to ban people from growing their own medicinal November 27 at 8:11pm · Like Joyce Hall Carey Barber Montgomery what makes you so judgemental. Board of Supervisors is the BOS and whether or not they are being sworn in they are making laws. I dont think you know how to spell. did you mean they or the? Rebecca you got it. They took down our other post. November 27 at 8:49pm · Like · 2 Carey Barber Montgomery The county as a whole votes for our BOS. If you feel you could do a better job, then I suggest you run. Just because you do not agree with their decisions does not mean you are in the majority. It is your right to protest and make your voice heard. That said we elect the BOS to make the decisions not you. November 27 at 8:53pm · Like Joyce Hall We elected the BOS because of what they said they would and wouldnt do. Now they have changed their minds. Do we unvote them? It is not a choice for me, to disagree or agree it is my right as a Californian who voted for Prop 215, Now I am suffering with a malabsorption/wasting disease of which they cannot figure it out. They all suspect a hidden cancer, I have many other health issues, weighing only 100 lbs is only one, oh 100 and losing no matter what or how much I eat. Now they will rob me of what is left of my life. I dont think so. You are a very non compassionate person although our county seems to be full of prejudice and non compassionate people. Can we vote her off this post. November 27 at 9:00pm · Like · 2 Ashley Bertram No decision has been made yet. November 27 at 9:02pm · Like Joyce Hall I got off enough narcotics to kill me and only use medical cannabis for the pain from spinal fractures and to eat. So like I should go to jail. Ok then have the ambulance ready to take me to Stanford where my doctors are. November 27 at 9:02pm · Like · 2 Joyce Hall Ron Briggs has friends and neighbors that grow in their gardens how dare he. November 27 at 9:02pm · Like · 1 Joyce Hall They drink their booze and then drive with our money and it is ok... November 27 at 9:03pm · Like · 1 Joyce Hall If I was well I would run for BOS November 27 at 9:04pm · Like · 1 Carey Barber Montgomery As I suspected. If I do not agree with you then I should be banished. November 27 at 9:12pm · Unlike · 3 Joyce Hall And I am sick so I should be judged so harshly, I pray you dont ever have to deal with even a fraction of the health issues I do. I have an iv pole, and infusion immunoglobin in my fridge. So I guess I should move even though I have lived here since 78, helped put together the first Creekside school below the high school. Volunteered my time and money what little I had to making it a decent school. I vote I pay taxes, I put my trash in the can at the end of the road,well my careprovider does. November 27 at 9:18pm · Like · 3 Karen Krause Bartholomew The issue will be addressed at 3:00 p.m. BOS. You may want to arrive at 2:00 p.m. to insure you get a seat. Please do NOT show up at 9 a.m.!!! November 27 at 9:19pm · Like · 2 Joyce Hall And as I suspected no comment on Briggs, no comment on their drinking, etc., and no comment on their lies to get votes.Something is just not right here November 27 at 9:19pm · Like Joyce Hall Ashley Bertram It was on the news tonight. November 27 at 9:23pm · Like · 1 Carey Barber Montgomery I have no comment on your opinions because they are your opinions. My comments are only in regard to protesting the current BOS and newly elected and how it effects legalization of pot. My comments do not even address legalization. November 27 at 9:40pm · Like Joyce Hall Then stop commenting PLEASE. November 27 at 9:42pm · Like Ashley Bertram I am so sorry Joyce Hall, being ill and having this added stress! The medicinal purposes of Marijuana have been such a life saving blessing to many. November 27 at 9:50pm · Unlike · 5 Matthew Sampson I do not use it, and have no desire to. But I am aware that law, or no law, this will be as enforceable as it always has. November 27 at 10:15pm · Edited · Like · 1 Debbie Dennison-Peterson Joyce Hall, I too am so sorry about your condition. This ban, which appears to have come up suddenly, or at least I just heard about it, almost seems like a power play by the outgoing BOS. Keep a good thought and lets see where it goes. I am also very concerned for people for whom cannabis has been their best alternative. November 27 at 10:09pm · Unlike · 7 Ken Pauley I dont think California is far off from making it legal like other states. At least I hope not. I am not someone that uses it or needs it, but the laws the way they are today are just crazy stupid and abused to hell. Time to just get it out there in stores. November 27 at 10:10pm · Unlike · 3 Matthew Sampson there is to much tax potential for Cali to pass this up as i see it November 27 at 10:16pm · Like · 1 Ashley Bertram I dont smoke or grow it either Mathew. I did however have a mother who was prescribed so many pain pills that she got addicted and overdosed last year resulting in her death. I wish she would have tried alternative meds instead. I see so many people benefit from medicinal pot, I cant help but think perhaps my mom would still be alive if she would have taken that route. November 27 at 10:18pm · Unlike · 7 Matthew Sampson I have had family die re cancer, and it was the only way to keep his appetite up. For those it can help there should be no question. November 27 at 10:19pm · Unlike · 7 Debbie Dennison-Peterson My back was broken in 3places and now Im all titanium. It helped me get off all the prescription pain meds. November 27 at 10:29pm · Unlike · 7 Dave Nadapope carey we are not protesting the new board members. we are protesting the decision to ban all cannabis cultivation.There are a couple of compassionate supervisors on this board, but one of them is not briggs. as you stated the whole county voted these people in and it is a diverse county. but, as you will see IF you ever go to the BOS meetings, nothing brings em in like this issue, the chambers rarely have ten people there...this decision will likley bring at least a hundred.the people of the state of calif. voted in the compassionate use act in 1996. THIS county BOS has been working tirelessly to thwart that law. this , is a culmination of those several year long endeavor. Yesterday at 5:27am · Unlike · 3 Lynelle Robertson Briggs has no room to talk Yesterday at 5:41am · Unlike · 2 Joyce Hall No Briggs doesnt and he shouldnt even be on the board he should be un voted, or impeached or whatever the heck you do with a bad BOS. Yesterday at 5:56am · Like · 1 Dave Nadapope arrest for treason Yesterday at 5:58am · Unlike · 2 Joyce Hall Boy Dave this sure did bring some discussion I pray to God who gave us this herb, and those of you who have a Bible read it, dont say God didnt give it to us, I pray they dont follow through with their agenda. Which is not to be compassionate. Yesterday at 5:58am · Like · 2 Joyce Hall OK then can we do a citizens arrest for treason? Yesterday at 5:59am · Like · 1 Joyce Hall Dave Nadapope28 mins · we pass a law that they (law enforcement ) doesnt like, so they do not have to obey it.. they (supervisors who support this) should be charged with treason.look up the word treason, and see if you agree El Dorado considers repealing pot cultivation ordinancePLACERVILLE , CALIF - A county supervisor who said marijuana cultivation has spun out of control will ask his colleagues on Tuesday to repeal the 2013 ordinance that formally authorized outdoor...NEWS360.COMUnlikeUnlike · · Share You like this. Write a comment... Yesterday at 6:04am · Like Joyce Hall We need everyone even those of you who do not use it but know someone, or knew someone who used medical cannabis, or just those of you who read this and dont comment but think to yourself this isnt right to show up at this meeting. If we allow them to do this we allow them to do whatever their personal agenda is. Yesterday at 6:23am · Like · 1 Joyce Hall What do you suppose that is? Yesterday at 6:23am · Like Heidi Weiland So, please help me understand...before this ordinance was passed there were no substantive local rules limiting where you could grow medical marijuana. So, if you had a prescription you could grow wherever you legally had access to do so. Then the BOS passed this ordinance which limited the property types where medical marijuana could be grown. Now, Supervisor Briggs is asking the full board to repeal the ordinance, which would return this issue to a time where there was less regulation. Im not sure I understand why this worries folks who grow their own. Please, only serious responses...I am seeking understanding. Yesterday at 6:33am · Unlike · 2 Joyce Hall No they are going back to 16 years ago when you couldnt grow at all they didnt even recognize Prop 215 which was the only thing passed at that time, then after they went on a case by case basis which made alot of people bankrupt and homeless, and alot of lawyers and El Dorado county some money. The guidelines we had last were actually ok. But the King fire also showed them alot of illegal grows and we medicals have nothing to do with. I think they should have an ordinance in the city of Placerville, where it has to be in a greenhouse secured or indoors although indoors is a danger with the chance of fire etc. and the electric bill. Yesterday at 7:28am · Like · 2 Joyce Hall Did I answer your question right? Yesterday at 7:29am · Like · 2 Dave Nadapope I will try to clarify for you. first of all, in 2003, after much discussion with local patient adcovacy group AAMC, el dorado county passed county guidelines, that allowed at harvest time, up to ten plants per patient. we also negotiated the `caregiver rule that allowed a person to `caregive for up to five patients.In `08(I think) the kelley decision was made, that stated, you have to REALLY be caregiving for a person, not just supplying them with cannabis,(which basicaly shutdown a lot of `collective for profit gardens(people that were growing to sell to dispinsaries) and then we had sheriff diagustini come on board, and he removed the guidelines from the sheriffs page completely. in 2011, (I think) briggs called for a complete ban, which caused quite a stir, and they modified that demand to allow a two hundred foot growing area, with NO COLLECTIVE GROWS at all. we developed a `advisory committee to allow for larger grows and to try to accomadate some symbalance of a collective grow, but only succeeded in getting them to allow 2, 4, and 6 hundred square feet, depending on your size property. this cut out the people that had small parcells or lived in places like edh, or cameron park, last year, but the sheriff has decided, based on the influx of out of towners, and out of staters coming HERE to set up grows that we were sending the wrong message to the rest of the state, and country...that el dorado county s pot friendly, so now, he has asked of the BOS that they remove the ordinance and go with, its ALL illegal.He has stated that he wont mess with legitimate patients, but it is HIS call as to what IS legitimate.So . there you have it.Our sheriff wants to operate on a wink and a nod. he wants all the rest of the state to KNOW, we are not pot friendly, and insists that there will be no problems for the legitimate. IF this was completely true, and ALL patients got that `pass, this would work. but the bottom line here is, legitimate patients, do NOT want to run afoul of the law, and do NOT want to break the law, and that is the rub. In order for a patient to acquire what they require, they have to grow it, or buy, my timeline may be a little off, but the jist of it is this...patients adcovacy groups have been fighting for our rights , here in EDC, for thirteen years. we have listened repeatedly to supervisors, and sheriffs, and deputies, and District attorneys...even county counsel say, ``you people(patients) are not the problem...yet they continue to punish us for the bad will of the profiteers and illegal gardeners.tuesday they intend to punish us further, by banning not just outdoor grows, but indoor grows as well.(which would be cost prohibitive for MOST patients. I hope this helps. if there are any questions, I have not answered, fire away, and I will do what I can to help you to understand what has transpired and what IS to transpire as the ordinance gets cancelled/resinded... Dave(nadapope)Bishop. Yesterday at 7:40am · Unlike · 6 Dave Nadapope I would be remiss if I did not mention, that from 2001 to prenent day, as a member of the AAMC board, or the medical cannabis guideline task force, and as a member of the medical cannabis outdoor grow BOS advisory committee, I have spent easily eighty percent of my time, explaining that we do not condone illegal behavior, or profit making endeavors regarding cannabis, that we are only interested in preserving and protecting the rights of the patients. we have ALWAYS had to try to get the conversation off off illegal and back onto legal patient grows, yet, we are here today, AGAIN paying for the illegal activity that is prevelant within this issue.I also believe it fair to say, AND ACCURATE, that many patients are responsible for this demise, because they saw an opportunity to make a bunch of money. IF you ONLY grow to acquire what your medical needs are, you are not likely to have law enforcement interaction. that is what we should have been doing all along. Yesterday at 7:49am · Unlike · 6 Dave Nadapope *present day Yesterday at 7:50am · Unlike · 1 Joyce Hall Thank you Dave Nadapope Yesterday at 7:52am · Unlike · 1 Joyce Hall Guess no one else has an opinion. Yesterday at 9:31am · Like Heidi Weiland Thank you both for your thoughtful and thorough answers. They are very helpful. Yesterday at 9:48am · Like Barbara Einspahr huffingtonpost/.../obamas-drug-war-medical... After Medical Marijuana Mess, Obamas Prosecutors Face Big Decision On Pot OAKLAND, Calif. -- In the summer of 2007, the owners... HUFFINGTONPOST.COM Yesterday at 12:39pm · Like Barbara Einspahr Very interesting read explains a lot about what is going on all over the country and why were hearing such conflicting information from fed , state and local authorities Yesterday at 12:41pm · Unlike · 1 Joyce Hall Well where does that leave us? Yesterday at 2:00pm · Like Joyce Hall Even if you are not able to attend the meeting, phone calls, emails and faxes help communicate to the Board of Supervisors that its imperative for patients to retain their right to cultivate their own sun-grown medicine. Please communicate this importance to the BOS, invite your friends and cross post this event. If you have additional information to add to the event, please post or send a message to the event hosts. Thank you! Board of Supervisors Placerville Office 330 Fair Lane Placerville, CA 95667 The Board of Supervisors are: District I-Ron Mikulaco [email protected] Phone: (530) 621-5650 Fax: (530) 622-3645 District II-Shiva Frentzen [email protected] Phone: (530) 621-5651 Fax: (530) 622-3645 District III-Brian Veerkamp [email protected] Phone: (530) 621-5652 Fax: (530) 622-3645 District IV-Ron Briggs [email protected] Phone: (530) 621-6513 Fax: (530) 622-3645 District V-Norma Santiago [email protected] Phone: (530) 621-6577 Fax: (530) 622-3645 POSTS Yesterday at 2:08pm · Like · 1 Barbara Einspahr Thanks for posting all that although I intend to attend will send emails as well.This is entrapment for ppl who wish to be legal law abiding citizens.They should have plenty of greedy illegal ppl to get plenty of asset forfeiture for the county without making patients criminals again.Someday the same greedy ppl profiting off this ludicrous drug war will see our taxes benefit them more then asset forfeiture and greed will end the drug war.Its all about the money. Yesterday at 3:07pm · Unlike · 1 Joyce Hall Thank you Barbara Einspahr Yesterday at 5:22pm · Like Dave Nadapope I mis-spoke in my earlier post...the kelly decision was the one that disallowed the government the right to tell us how much we were allowed to use. ``what is reasonable for ones condition is the rule of thumb now. Yesterday at 5:42pm · Unlike · 1 Joyce Hall The right to use not to grow though? Yesterday at 6:19pm · Like Dave Nadapope the kelly decision.only addressed how much, as sb420 dictated six mature, and twelve immature plants and only eight ounces. I made no decision regarding our right to grow, except to say that we could grow what is reasonable for ones condition. Yesterday at 6:25pm · Like Dave Nadapope *it Yesterday at 6:26pm · Like
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 05:01:44 +0000

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