Judge & Jury starts at 7.00pm on TDS!!! In tonights case, - TopicsExpress


Judge & Jury starts at 7.00pm on TDS!!! In tonights case, Evelyn a 33 year old estranged wife and mother of 4 is putting her father Chief Dennis in the dock charged with Betrayal, Insensitivity and Chauvinism!!! Here are the facts of the case: Evelyn (The Plaintiff) submits as follows: One night she had received a tip from someone, that her husband had been seen arriving at a hotel with a young lady she suspected he had been seeing for a while. She called some friends and asked them to accompany her there. On arriving and making inquiries, things got bad when her husband came out and saw her. Her husband had flown into a rage and accused her of abandoning his children at home to gallivant in hotels with friends who were single, divorced or single mothers. Her husband had then gone on to throw her out and she has been at her parents now for weeks. After telling the story to her parents her father had taken a few days to digest it but had killed her when he said, Evelyn my daughter, you got this wrong. I just cant understand why you would be in a hotel past midnight with unmarried women. Where were your children? She cannot understand how her own father will take such a stand after the unfair treatment shes received from her husband. Chief Dennis (The Defendant) submits as follows: He is a traditionalist and his people have a saying that If a marriage is successful, its the woman. If a marriage fails, its the woman He believes in this and it has served generations of his people well. His daughter should never have gone out after midnight leaving the children at home. He will certainly chastise his son in law for his behavior but it would be a disservice to his his daughter if he doesnt point out her failing. He loves his daughter dearly but did not bring her up to take on these modern age womens whims. Those are the facts of the case, how do YOU The Judge & Jury find The Defendant (Chief Dennis) tonight, Guilty or Not Guilty??? Post your verdict here or call in on 0708 765 6030 Final verdict to be announced at 8.30pm
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 18:35:46 +0000

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