July 31 - Daily Meditation Fear To Faith Many of us came to our - TopicsExpress


July 31 - Daily Meditation Fear To Faith Many of us came to our first Nar-Anon meeting desperate for answers. I wanted to hear some magic words or be given exact instructions on how to fix the addict. The addict is an intelligent person but I could not understand why he made such poor choices. I feared that he was going to die. I wondered if he would ever get help in time. The addict’s behaviors, which included lying, breaking promises and stealing, were out of control. My life had become unmanageable as I tried to control his behavior. At first, I did not understand what the Nar-Anon program and meetings were about. No one gave me any advice or solutions. I needed instant answers. They just said, “Keep coming back.” After attending many meetings, I began to face some of my fears, which previously I could not even identify. I learned slogans, such as “Let Go and Let God” and “One Day at a Time” to help me cope. When I attend meetings regularly, I am reminded that every day my Higher Power offers me a new way to face my challenges. As I listen to my group share their experience, strength and hope, I begin to believe that I too can change. I am learning that I can change my fear to faith, my panic to serenity, my self-centered false hope to God-centered, real hope. I can do this in my own time and my own way. All I have to do is stay connected by attending my meetings. Thought for Today: I have choices in how I will deal with my fear. I can choose to face everything and recover, or to forget everything and run. “Fear is like fire. If controlled it will help you; if uncontrolled, it will rise up and destroy you. People’s actions depend to a great extent upon fear. We do things either because we enjoy doing them or because we are afraid not to do them.” ~ John F. Milburn Copyright © 2007 by Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 15:52:25 +0000

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