June 5th - remember that date kiddies. World Environment Day. We - TopicsExpress


June 5th - remember that date kiddies. World Environment Day. We see floods, tornadoes, drought, melting polar icecaps, and only the greedy who make money from causing these problems, Oil Companies etc. and idiots like Rush Limbaugh who is so un-self aware he calls other people FAT, (hows it going w / the advertisers Rushbo?), are in denial about the reality of Catastrophic Climate Change. 1. First step is awareness 2. Second step is spreading the word. 3. Is learning ones small part in helping, and demanding our elected officials to do their part. The big part. None of us can individually put a charging station where needed. Gonna take a collective effort, w / govt. out front. 4. Let them know in uncertain terms. They will do anything to keep their jobs - use it. June 5th is the time to speak up, because if you think about, it has already impacted you in some small way, others a big way. Scientists are horrified that they have low-balled the problem, and watch as the polar ice cap melting has already crossed the line of no return. Maybe as individuals we can only learn from our mistakes by making them, and hopefully this is true on a global community level. We thought it was 50 years away and were nervous, only to find out its NOW. Now this is only a song, which I hope to spread awareness and motivate, and donate all earnings to finding the solution. Everybody has something to contribute. Nows the time because This is the Big One! vimeo/35669531
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 19:59:42 +0000

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