June stats: We had an 83.3% vaginal delivery rate with 64% - TopicsExpress


June stats: We had an 83.3% vaginal delivery rate with 64% natural. We had a 66% VBAC success rate. 3 TOLACs attempted, 2 successful with 1 ending in Repeat C/S. We had 2 more that were planning on TOLAC but were ultimately Repeat C/Ss due to breech and IUGR (declined TOLAC). We had 1 vacuum delivery d/t fetal distress. Once again, we are so thankful to practice at St. Joseph East where our midwifery model of care is respected, but when we need help it arrives quickly. I (Kendra) attending a client while pushing and the babys heart rate dropped. (Thanks to several ultrasounds, we new in advance the baby had a 2 vessel cord instead of the normal 3 vessels.)The nurse called for Dr. Campbell. With in a matter of 1-2 minutes, a laborist was at the bedside offering assistance. In another minute, Dr. Campbell was by my side. He was able to deliver the baby via vacuum and avoid an emergency C-Section. I cant emphasize enough how grateful we are for such a collaboration and immediate attention when we are concerned.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 01:58:11 +0000

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