Just For The Day. Dear randall: If you could enact or change - TopicsExpress


Just For The Day. Dear randall: If you could enact or change one law, what would it be? That was the interesting and though provoking question from one of our sustainers - supporters who make monthly campaign contributions. Pause for a moment, and think about your own answer to that question. Maybe you want to share it with us - some of our best ideas come from our supporters. In the meantime, you can hear Congressman Alan Graysons surprising answer to that question. Erica from Arizona asked Alan, If you had absolute legislative power for one week, what reform would you most want to enact? You can read Alans answer to Ericas question below, or you can watch the video of his response by clicking here. Congressman Alan Grayson: The question is, if I were king for a day ... or a week [laughs], what is the law that I would most like to see enacted? The answer is this: I think that the deep element, the source of many of the problems that we have today, is inequality. I want some kind of law that would actually try to address that. Were facing the greatest inequality in this country that weve seen in history. Even worse than the inequality in 1929 that lead to the crash. So the question is, what can we do through the agencies of government in order to lessen the brutal inequality that we see here in this country, that leads to our education problems, our jobs problems, our health problems, and the other [problematic] elements of everyday life in America. The Middle Class [has] less and less each day. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. I think the way to start [to deal] with that is to have a fair tax system. So what I would want to see, above all, is a simple rule that says a dollar is a dollar. You dont have to pay even half as much as anyone in taxes -- like Mitt Romney -- if you happen to have what are called long-term capital gains. [Thats wrong.] I dont want to see a situation [any longer] where corporations get to evade their responsibilities to pay taxes. Weve reached a point in this country where corporate tax breaks are as much as corporate income tax revenue. In other words, half of all the money that we should be getting from corporations is being given away, because corporations end up with an average 12% tax rate - something that even Mitt Romney should be ashamed of. So above all, what I would like to see is a system that has genuine tax reform that implements a progressive tax system, so that the millionaires, and the billionaires, and the giant multi-national corporations are finally paying their fair share. And we are not impoverishing ordinary middle class Americans and working Americans to try to pay the bills of Washington, D.C., [while] large corporations and billionaires go scott-free. Congressman Grayson is a Congressman for us, We The People. Hes not a corporate shill. Hes not a tool of the oil companies, or Wall Street, or the military-industrial complex. He doesnt represent the special interests. He is Americans Congressman. He wants to make sure that we all can achieve the American Dream, and hes our voice in Congress. Our voice for justice, equality and peace. Become a monthly sustainer today, to make sure that Alan Grayson returns to Congress in November. cl.exct.net/?qs=5db50568817c685d7ff27f9c9546b80caa6df1e7b12e8362f4dc21c1960432a9 Paid for and Authorized by the Committee to Elect Alan Grayson If you do not wish to receive further email from Congressman Grayson, please click here to unsubscribe.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 18:54:07 +0000

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