Just What Do You Mean....THE JUDGEMENT! - Part 1 -When we come to - TopicsExpress


Just What Do You Mean....THE JUDGEMENT! - Part 1 -When we come to this thought of Gods judgment we approach a subject upon which there has been a fathomless sea of ignorance and misunderstanding. Contrary to the popular opinion of the religious systems there is not such thing as a GENERAL JUDGEMENT for all men. Such a doctrine is pagan in origin and flows from the philosophies of demons. The idea that there is in the future one particular time and circumstance in which all creatures, whether celestial or terrestrial, shall be brought before the bar of Divine Justice is contrary to the Word of God. The view generally entertained is of Christ coming to earth, seated upon a great white throne, and the He will summon every sinner in rank and file before Him to be judged, amidst great convulsions of nature - earthquakes, opening graves, rending rocks and falling mountains; that the trembling sinners will be brought from the depths of everlasting woe to hear their many sins rehearsed, only to be again returned to an eternal and merciless doom of torture; and that the saints will be brought from heaven (of course many saints have a fear they they may appear at that judgment as one judged) to witness the misery and despair of the damned, and return to heaven for eternity. I do not hesitate to say that is is a very crude conception, and is entirely out of harmony with the WHOLE picture of judgment. This distorted picture arises from a too-literal interpretation of a few verses of Scripture which were given merely as SYMBOLS, to be understood by the Spirit. There are far more judgments than people have ordinarily recognized. The fact is, the Scriptures speak of MANY JUDGMENTS! Some judgments are already past, some are continuously present, and some are yet future. It is misleading to speak of THE JUDGMENT as though it were only one event limited to some time in the future. A careful and prayerful study of the Word will show that there are judgments of unholy angels (messengers), of Satan, of Israel, of cities, of nations, of sin of death, of the believer, of servants, of son, of unbelievers,etc. Each takes place at a different time, in different surroundings, and in a different way. It may aid our comprehension of list a few of the judgments of God upon sin. Before proceeding, however, we need to understand exactly what is meant by the world judgment. Judgment is translated in the Old Testament most often from the Hebrew word MISHPAT. MISHPAT means simple a verdict which may be either favorable or unfavorable The only judgment most people understand is the negative aspect of judgment, the unfavorable verdict, which is unto condemnation and wrath. It should require only a moments reflection, however, to enable anyone to see that the very same judge who sentences one man to pay a fine, another to die in the electric chair, may suspend the sentence of a third man and declare yet a fourth man not guilty - acquitted! It is plain that a great many different judgments or verdicts may come from this one judge. Thus, the work of a judge is not merely to condemn and mete out sentences, but to weigh all the facts and take all the circumstances into consideration is each case and render a just verdict, favorable, or unfavorable, as the case may demand. The first great judgment (trial and sentence) was at the beginning in Eden, when the whole human race, as represented in it head, Adam, stood of trial before God. The result of that trial was the verdict - Guilty, disobedient, his sin being forth of punishment and correction; and the penalty inflicted was death - Dying thou shalt die ( Gen. 2 : 17, margin). And so it i that In Adam ALL DIE (1 Corn, 1 : 21). Most have never thought of this as a JUDGMENT DAY for mankind, but it was, for there was a trial, a sentencing, and the sentence was, and is, fully carried out. The trial time in Eden was the worlds FIRST JUDGMENT DAY, and the decision of the Judge has ever since been enforced. Again, we read, The wrath of God IS REVEALED from heaven again all unrighteousness of men (Rom. 1 : 18). This wrath of God which is revealed against the ungodliness of men may be seen in every funeral procession. Every tom and every grave stone is a witness to it. Dread diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, and aids are a part of it. It is felt in every ache and pain, in every tragedy and sorrow, in every frustration and torment, in the ignorance, poverty, and fear men experience daily - all of which are the result of the first trial and sentence - the righteous sentence of God, that we are unworthy of the life and blessings originally provided for man when obedient and walking in union with God. But, praise the Lord! mankind is to be recovered from the sentence of that first trial, for the penalty was not to be inflicted, forever, only until the Redeemer should come and offer Himself as on sacrifice for ALL. Blessings and enjoy your day. Part 2 later.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 09:36:19 +0000

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