Just a few of the people Im grateful to for helping me to make - TopicsExpress


Just a few of the people Im grateful to for helping me to make 2014 an awesome year. Some of them I havent even seen this year but they are still having an impact... THANK-YOU to everyone mentioned & also to those who remain unmentioned here. Im truly grateful to you all! xxx Yolande Hobby - Thank-you for being amazing & for being the inspiration for me to take my life to a whole new level. Thank-you for creating us with me! I love you, A LOT. Kat Lagos - I really couldnt wish for a better sister: Generous, thoughtful, intelligent, committed & a whole lot more. Leah Davidson - I value your friendship & divinely open conversations. Ben Davidson - thanks for being up to the challenge! Christina Guidotti - a powerhouse & the perfect mentor for me this year. Matt Church & Peter Cook - an amazing example of intelligence & synergy being put to work. Taki Moore - a true master in application & a valued role model. Adam Sowden - I always value our chats. Janine Garner - I love that our paths crossed & admire your tenacity. Clare Cope - simply brilliant & unusually generous. Our conversations have had profound impact on me over the years. Dirk Werner & Lisa Decreuse - our party night friends & valued advisor all in one! Sharon Pearson - for giving me the insight into how to channel my thinking. Helen Treloar - calling it as it was quite a few years ago and showing me what coaching could give me access to. Shannah Kennedy - showing me many years ago how to put myself first in my actions & pointing out it was time to peel back the layers. Rohan Dredge - challenging me in a way few others have. Victor Teoh & Bec Teoh - True, true long term friends who have a big place in my heart. Jena Heard - a trail blazer & someone I respect Yvonne Teoh Bource - an amazing role model in my youth & still inspiring me with your continued passion. Pip McKay - the perfect catalyst without knowing it & a teacher of how to slide through my feelings - I love that. Alice Haemmerle - amazing artistry in working with a room. Dale Beaumont - walking the talk and being someone who reminded me of what can be achieved when vision, passion & action align. Laurence Tham - open, generous & a change-maker. Thanks for reflecting in our short conversations a polite bewilderment! Tania Leanne Earle - your active support is appreciated. Pippa Hanson, Lorna Evans, Beckie White - Ive truly valued the reflections & feedback and your friendship too. Paul Tadich - great conversation, 25 years on. Bettina Pfannkuch - my teacher of mind body connection & my role model for unabated enthusiasm. Crystal Lim & Mark Leahy - thanks for your friendship & for being there right back at the start with an open heart for Yolande. Dianne Hughes - for loving me even when youve not understood me. There are so many more too! Thank-you all!! xxxx
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 21:51:40 +0000

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