Just as Pharaohs heart was hardened in the book of Exodus, the - TopicsExpress


Just as Pharaohs heart was hardened in the book of Exodus, the children of God were just as hard-hearted and stiff-necked. God did not have to close their eyes or stop up their ears they already were courtesy of sin. Unsaved people can read these reports, but we need to remember that it is the Holy Spirit that will open their eyes if they are open to having it done. He will not intrude where He is not welcome. and sadly enough, there are many who do tar all of us with the same brush, Even some who claim to believe will do this to suit their own idea of belief, There is only one way to fully understand the Bible and that is learning it completely, correctly and properly. And sadly there are many who dont want to do that. They want to believe what they want to believe and convince themselves that what they believe is truth because it sounds good to them. Unfortunately, sometimes the truth hurts. But these people deceive themselves into thinking that if it sounds good then it must be true. If only. This is the sort of thinking that encourages a victim mentality that encourages us to push responsibility for our actions onto someone else. The only One with any right to claim a victim mentality, interestingly enough, never did. Of course there are times when it is the fault of someone else but if we are responsible then we should own up to it.Instead we run around pointing fingers at everyone else and for that matter even God (Adam and Eve anyone?) Adam had the audacity to blame God for his own weakness. And how many do the same? All the while expecting Him to bless them. Sorry,.Thanks for playing parting gifts at the door. Scripture says Let he who has ears, let him hear, Or let he who has eyes let him see, Those who have their eyes opened and their ears unstopped by the power of the Holy Spirit will see and hear. We cannot expect those who are dulled to understand. I know, I have tried. Ad nauseum. You would think I would learn by now. But that is the stubbornness in me. God does not give up on us until we completely and utterly reject Him. His love is unconditional yet conditional at the same time. When we are disobedient, He doesnt stop loving us, but He sure isnt going to bless us either. Just like with our kids, when they do wrong we dont stop loving them but we sure as heck arent going to let them get away with whatever it is they are trying to get away with either. Same idea with God, He is Love, yes but there are things He hates, such as pride and arrogance. He loves us enough to not let us get away with every little thing we try to get away with. He has no problem with stopping us in our tracks when we are headed in the wrong direction, And this is something we should be thankful for, Can you imagine serving a milquetoast God who just let us run wild? I sure couldnt. But that would be what the world at large would prefer. Thankfully that is just not happening....
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 11:52:59 +0000

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